Mangalore Mangalore is the administrative head quarters of Dakshina Kannada District, the largest urban coastal Centre of Karnataka. Mangalore has an inimitable history, varied culture and landscape that speaks of its growth and potential to excel Mangalore Lies in the convergence of rivers Nethravathi and Gurupura, bound in the east by the Western Ghats and the Arabian sea in the west A city that is steadily developing in all sectors of the economy like Education, Information Technology, Commerce, Health & Agriculture
Waste Composition
Collection of Municipal Solid Waste Sl. No. Parameters Compliance Criteria Action Proposed 1 Collection Littering of MSW Organized house-to-house collection Devised collection of waste from slums and squatter areas or localities including hotels, restaurants, office complexes and commercial areas Bio-medical wastes and industrial wastes is not being mixed with municipal solid wastes Public notification have been issued
Segregation of Municipal Solid Waste Sl. No. Parameters Compliance Criteria Action Proposed 2 Segregation Undertake phased programmes to ensure community participation in waste segregation Awareness campaign like street plays, street jathas are being conducted. Segregation of wastes are being carried out in 5 wards The entire process of segregation is proposed to be outsourced. (Tender has been invited)
Storage of Municipal Solid Waste Sl. No. Parameters Compliance Criteria Action Proposed 3 Storage Establish and maintain storage facilities Number of conventional community bins have been reduced in phased manner through effective house to house collection. The hydraulically lifted containers (120 no’s) & fibre bins (30 no’s) are being used.
Transportation of Municipal Solid Waste Sl. No. Parameters Compliance Criteria Action Proposed 4 Transportation Vehicles used for transportation of wastes shall be covered. Waste should not be visible to public, nor exposed to open environment preventing their scattering. Twin container dumper placers, compactor & side packers are being used. Wherever Conventional lorries are used, it is ensured that garbage is covered with tarpaulin sheet.
Processing of Municipal Solid Waste Sl. No. Parameters Compliance Criteria Action Proposed 5 Processing Adopt suitable technology or combination of such technologies to make use of wastes so as to minimize burden on landfill. MCC has the facility of Aerobic composting and vermin-composting The Tenders for Operation & Maintenance of Aerobic & Vermin-Composting have been invited
Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste Sl. No. Parameters Compliance Criteria Action Proposed 6 Disposal Land filling is restricted to non-biodegradable, inert waste and other waste that are not suitable either for recycling or for biological processing. Sanitary Landfill Site is provided with the design period of 25 years The landfill complies with the norms for the control of air and water (ground and surface water) pollution and other environmental norms laid down in specifications/ standards The infrastructure in the form of Compound wall, Approach roads, bore well have been made.
Time required for implementation TIME FRAME Sl. No. Parameters Compliance Criteria Action Proposed Time required for implementation 1 Collection Littering of MSW, Primary collection Door to Door Collection (Tender Invited) 2014 2 Segregation Undertake phased programmes to ensure community participation in waste segregation Awareness being conducted 3 Storage Establish and maintain storage facilities 100% Hydraulically lifted covered containers & vehicles to be used. 4 Transportation Vehicles used for transportation of wastes shall be covered. Waste should not be visible to public, nor exposed to open environment preventing their scattering. 5 Processing Adopt suitable technology or combination of such technologies to make use of wastes so as to minimize burden on landfill. Ensure effective O & M of Aerobic, Vermin composting & sanitary landfill 6 Disposal Land filling is restricted to non-biodegradable, inert waste and other waste that are not suitable either for recycling or for biological processing.
Graphical representation of MSWM Component
Slaughter House Slaughter House in Mangalore 1 Sl. No. Parameters Present Action 1 Slaughter House in Mangalore Location : Kudroli, Established: 1974, Area : 0.75 acre Capacity : Large animals - 10/day Small animals 100 – 150/day Floors of the whole premises is paved with granite stone. Motor wash provided for cleaning & chemicals used to prevent odor & fly nuisance Liquid wastes are collected in cement concrete tanks from which they are routed to STP through cess pool vehicles Solid wastes generated are collected in closed metal containers from where they are transported to dumping yard & disposed through deep burial A veterinary doctor is stationed & records regarding daily slaughtering, animal check-ups are maintained
Slaughter House 2 Modern Abattoir Sl. No. Parameters Action Proposed Location: Pachanady Area: 5 Areas Capacity: Large animals : 105/day Small animals : 350/day Consultancy Service through ICICI Winfra, Kolkata. Towards Preparation of Detailed Project Report Preparation of Tender documents for establishment of slaughter house project Supervision and monitoring of project execution. 2. Draft Detailed Project Report has been prepared and submitted to Directorate of Municipal Administration, Bangalore for approval.
INITIATIVES TAKEN BY CITY CORPORATION FOR IMPROVING SWM NEW INITIATIVES INITIATIVES TAKEN BY CITY CORPORATION FOR IMPROVING SWM Waste to Energy: 2 TPD ‘NISARGRUNA’ Bhaba Atomic Research Centre Technology Bio-Methanation Plant to be commissioned at Urwa market premises and illuminate the market and surrounding area Vermi-bin Concept: Introduced in 2 ward and will be extended to all the other wards and Major Institutions Litter-free Zone: 6 km stretch in Mangalore to be made as litter free zone. E-Waste Management: MCC recently has also formed a team to concentrate on E-Waste collection on a pilot basis & to route the same to authorized recyclers
INITIATIVES TAKEN BY CITY CORPORATION FOR IMPROVING SWM NEW INITIATIVES INITIATIVES TAKEN BY CITY CORPORATION FOR IMPROVING SWM Green Army – concept wherein each college will create a team within their NSS wing, who will be actively participating in the MCC’s IEC activities, tree sapling plantation their protection & maintenance, new policy awareness campaign, etc., UN-HABITAT in collaboration with Mangalore City Corporation, is planning to implement few demonstration project related to waste management in Mangalore city Piloting a demonstration unit for establishment of a community managed biogas plant using market waste as feed stock; Piloting a Decentralized Waste Water Treatment System (DEWATS) as a sustainable waste water management solution
Achievement & Awards Received ICON AWARD for being “Second Best City Corporation” with regard to SWM at Kolkata on 11.11.2009 Union Urban Development Ministry, GOI ranked as the 8th Cleanest city. Government of Karnataka awarded 2nd Best City Corporation in Karnataka on 01.02.2011 at Bangalore.
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