1 Sonali Bank Deposit Enrichment Through Internet And Social Media
2 Social Media ?? Where people interact globally on internet platform
Long Term Target 1Enrichment of sonali bank deposit 2To find out new group of customer and individual customer 3Expand the market area 4Extended Remittance flow to sonali bank 5Understanding customers demand 6Introducing modern Sonali Bank to customer 7Better customer service and feedback
4 Targeted groups Internet users of Bangladesh Young generation Wage earners Bangladeshi
5 One Year Target With 3000 officers involvement in social media 3000X12= Savings accounts 3000X 2=60000 FDR accounts 3000X 12=36000 Monthly deposit accounts 3000X 600,000=180,00,000,00 Taka deposit
6 Promotional Activities Officers’ Facebook profile weekly update Twitter update Online Advertisement/leaflet/ banner Short video clips
7 Advertisement Website banner Facebook Page Facebook corporate advertisement Tweeter Sonali bank web address each branch Facebook link to Sonali bank website
8 Products To Be Focused Fixed deposit, DBS Overdraft loan on deposit. Monthly Savings schemes Daily & monthly interest scheme Credit card, debit card, ATM & ABB Account Opening facility online Remittance (Local & Foreign) Islami Banking
9 Marketing Budget Website Banner- 100,000/- per month Facebook page- Free Twitter update - Free Facebook advertisement- 100,000/- per month Team management for customer support/ data analysis/ research and reporting- Free (branch cost) Team training- Free (Mobile bill)
10 Team work 50 officers Working from self desk and self branch Officer responsible for RMS will do this job A team leader (highly knowledgeable at relevant banking issue )
11 Sample Advertisement
12 Sample Advertisement
13 Sample Advertisement
14 Sample Advertisement
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17 Sample Advertisement
18 Sample Advertisement
19 Sample Advertisement
20 Sample Advertisement
21 We are officer & We are model Let’s Occupy the Market