Shipping is... Lifeblood of international trade Sector needs to be identifying global opportunities resilient future proof solutions future wealth streams Flagships of the Future
For 21 years Environmental Entrepreneurs - Project Development, Design, Funding, Build, Own, Operation & Maintenance of… Onshore windfarms – UK’s largest independent operator Anaerobic Digestion Energy Storage Offshore wind Fossil fuel free merchant ships Proven technologies Novel combination Technology transfer B9 Energy Group
In first 12 months of operation Sailed 23,310 NM sail sets Crossed Atlantic 24.9 knots top speed 381 NM in 24h x 2 61% use of sail no major breakdowns The sailing ship concept - building blocks the sailing rig PROVEN 24.9 kts top speed 381nm in 24h x2 61% use of sails
CO 2 emission reduced by 23% NOx by 90 % SOx emissions resolved PROVEN Currently operating in 22 vessels worldwide
Anaerobic Digestion Making bio-gas from food waste
AD PlantBio-Gas Upgrade plant Bio-Methane compression plant Bio-Gas Bio-Methane Injection to grid = X kWhrs Methane compression plant LNG Storage Tanks LNG Evaporation plant Methane Injection to grid LNG Dispenser Food Waste Natural Gas Network Bunker LNG to B9 Ships = X kWhrs Energy Input Avoided Suezmax Gas Tanker (LNG) Cargo LNG from Qatar etc LNG Terminal LNG Bio-methane liquefaction avoided Virtual bio-methane supply chain - injects bio-methane into natural gas grid network to improve economic and environmental efficiency. The bio-methane B9 Organic puts in the grid is matched by the LNG B9 Shipping takes out to use in ships – green gas
50% wind 50% Liquid BioMethane No rigging to foul spars automated sails – improved upwind sailing Freestanding rig allows access to holds Automated operation lowers crew costs and increases H&S The B9 Ship Concept Design
B9 SHIP USP – PREDICTABLE FUEL COSTS Renewable energy offers long term stable pricing. Assume 50/50 wind/biogas. Wind free (after extra capex for mast - RE project norm) + long term back to back LBN supply contract from B9 Organic. Customer secures 10y pricing contract
MAKING IT REAL Designing for Resilience in an unstable world Collaboratively
Complex Industry Eco-Systems
Big 6 Power generators Collaborative Network
B9 SHIP DEMONSTRATOR PROJECT PLAN ENGINEERING Whole Design/system integration Masts – loading/response Automation Hull – appendages/loading& discharge ECONOMICS Business Case Financial Engineering Virtual Fleet Global market potential BUILD IN EUROPE UK Capability Manufacturing process design Value in re- Balancing Economy Closed Loop Design at outset LEGAL & POLICY License/IP DfT RTFC/ROC equivalent for wind Contractual arrangements
Superyacht Designers Rely on The Wolfson Unit (1) No Room for Error at 55 knots and € 30 million 37 metre Ermis2 – Superyacht Design Award Ermis2 model in the towing tank
Sailing Superyacht Designers and Racers Rely on the Wolfson Unit $100 million 100 m long 2500 m 2 sail area
Wind Tunnel & Tank Testing Tank Testing Velocity Prediction Program Wind Tunnel Testing To achieve the best possible sailing performance, optimising the interaction between the hull and the rig is key. The rig has to generate enough power to overcome the resistance of the hull, but the hull also has to provide the grip in the water, to stop the ship slipping sideways due to the sail forces. The information from both the tank testing and the wind tunnel testing is used within a Velocity Prediction Program for the ship, which estimates the sailing performance of the vessel given a variety of wind strengths. The more these three methods are used in conjunction, the more performance of the ship can be improved and optimised.
In the wind tunnel MCA Chamber of Shipping Film Collaborative event at tank test BBC TV coverage – with Lloyds Register
Test Programme from collaborative risk register process fundamental performance data accurate emissions reduction predictions weather routing software in development economic ‘what if’ analyses commercial viability stakeholder comfort Case Study Route analysis Tonnages Schedules