Go beyond prejudice, discover the Roma Presentation of the Awareness raising campaign:


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Presentation transcript:

Go beyond prejudice, discover the Roma Presentation of the Awareness raising campaign:

of Europe/European Commission Joint project in SEE 2 The awareness raising campaign: background Roma form a population of about European citizens; They usually live in very difficult conditions; They often face discrimination; Their contribution to European culture is not always acknowledged.

of Europe/European Commission Joint project in SEE 3 The awareness raising campaign: background some progress has been made in the formulation of political aims; an internationally acknowledged set of accepted standards starts to be implemented at national, regional and local level HOWEVER… these efforts are often facing severe obstacles caused by deeply-rooted prejudices and stereotypes.

of Europe/European Commission Joint project in SEE 4 The awareness raising campaign: background Roma community is often considered as marginal; It is considered as traditional; It is considered as not ready for integration; There is a need for improving the social image of Roma

of Europe/European Commission Joint project in SEE 5 The awareness raising campaign: background DOSTA! campaign aims at bringing together Roma and non-Roma citizens for breaking the barriers caused by prejudices and stereotypes.

of Europe/European Commission Joint project in SEE 6 The awareness raising campaign: background Roma are European citizens; Roma rights are Human Rights; Roma have aspirations and must have the chance of realizing them; Roma culture is part of European culture; Roma contribution to European societies must be recognized

of Europe/European Commission Joint project in SEE 7 Goals The campaign must achieve at least mid-term effects; It must stimulate cooperation with national, regional and local partners; It must target society at large (especially non- Roma) and work on multipliers; It must attract medias.

of Europe/European Commission Joint project in SEE 8 Goals The campaign must break stereotypes: preconceptions and clichés; It must break prejudices: irrational feelings of fear and dislike; It must fight against the discrimination that results from stereotypes and prejudices; It must encourage equal opportunities.

of Europe/European Commission Joint project in SEE 9 Campaign techniques VIP ambassadors Posters/ Media Kit Roma culture

of Europe/European Commission Joint project in SEE 10 Campaign techniques Internet site The internet site is the first support for the campaign: Information on the campaign activities; Audio visual material Interviews to Roma and non Roma personnalities

of Europe/European Commission Joint project in SEE 11 Internet site Forum of Discussion Meet your Roma Neighbours Roma cultural background and identity Testimonials Video library Photo gallery Working with Roma Tools for Media

of Europe/European Commission Joint project in SEE 12 Campaign techniques Creative visuals and slogans: The visual and slogan are elaborated in cooperation with the Council of Europe Roma network as well as with the Council of Europe communication Department. They are to be used on material such as leaflets, posters and audiovisual products.

of Europe/European Commission Joint project in SEE 13

of Europe/European Commission Joint project in SEE 14

of Europe/European Commission Joint project in SEE 15 Campaign techniques Media pack for journalists: it includes interviews with senior Council of Europe officials, video-interviews to testimonials, Euronews reportages on Roma, the Dosta! campaign’s television spots, the video which won the Dosta! campaign video competition, a document on “How to fight stereotypes towards Roma”, the list of NGOs and contacts in the participating countries. Photographic support: Photographic images to support the campaign are gathered by the Council of Europe photographer in one of the participating countries.

of Europe/European Commission Joint project in SEE 16 Campaign techniques VIP testimonials: We are inviting personalities with popular mass appeal and recognition to provide statements in favour of Roma, to break the barriers caused by prejudices. These statements are published on Dosta! internet site and the testimonials are provided free of charge to national media. We are also producing campaign posters, with the cooperation of good-will ambassadors reflecting the cultural and socio-political messages of the awareness raising campaign. Media Outreach: A press officer is allocated the task of following the campaign and preparing press releases, fact files and other written material for the media. Press Service support is sought for individual events.

of Europe/European Commission Joint project in SEE 17 Campaign activities Awards: Video Competition and Fortnight of Roma movies School and civil society initiatives Special Prize for Municipalities

of Europe/European Commission Joint project in SEE 18 Campaign activities Regional activities: Regional Workshop on Roma cultural features: Media experts Interministerial commissions’ spokespersons

of Europe/European Commission Joint project in SEE 19 Campaign activities Video Advertisement for national televisions: Video on the campaign message Distributed free of charge to national televisions for broadcasting; 30 seconds and 50 seconds versions

of Europe/European Commission Joint project in SEE 20 Campaign activities Art and youth Festival against prejudices Movies on/by Roma; Photo exhibition; Handcraft laboratory; Sport activities; Goodwill ambassadors (celebrities, politicians, etc.)

of Europe/European Commission Joint project in SEE 21 Campaign activities We are establishing synergies with: Communication Department European Youth Center; Eurimages; Education Department; Congress of Local and Regional Authorities

of Europe/European Commission Joint project in SEE 22 Possibility of cooperation We are open to cooperation with: Governments and local authorities; Roma and Non-Roma NGOs; National televisions; Media; Film-makers, artists, photographers; Public and private sector

of Europe/European Commission Joint project in SEE 23 Cooperation A questionnaire has been elaborated to enable the Council of Europe Roma Division to take into account the real needs of the target groups and the society in the participating countries Work with us to erase stereotypes!

of Europe/European Commission Joint project in SEE 24 For more information: Contact: Or Ivana D’Alessandro: