Empowered with editorial content from media partners, News Channel 11 and the Bristol Herald Courier, TriCities.com delivers accurate local news and Information, weather, sports and entertainment content. TriCities.com is the area’s fastest growing web site, reaching thousands of users everyday! With tremendous traffic growth, TriCities.com offers advertisers the opportunity to reach a better educated and more affluent, news seeking audience and associate their company with our strong brand. The Tri-Cities market spans from North East Tennessee to Southwest Virginia.
Get Noticed, Maximize Your Potential… by branding your business online. Wide Skyscraper Ad measures 160 x 600 pixels Advertising in the Inbox! Over 720 subscribers receive our E- Newsletter. They receive the top headlines to our local news and an extra Infolert is sent out in cases of breaking news. Synergistic! The internet can compliment other traditional media advertising to offer a complete, synergistic marketing approach for an extended reach that encompasses more of your potential customers or clients. Infolert E-Newsletter Sponsor Reach More Affluent Consumers Advertise in our Infolert E-Newsletter
LIVE TriCities.com LIVE is a local entertainment E-Newsletter that is distributed weekly to registered users. Measurable Online advertising is the most measurable advertising medium. You can track the success of your campaign. Our Account Executives will provide detailed reports to on a timely basis. Wide Skyscraper Ad measures 160 x 600 pixels Entertainment E-Newsletter Sponsor Achieve Your Marketing GOALS With Tri-Cities LIVE Entertainment E-Newsletter
Get Noticed, Maximize Your Potential… by branding your business online. Pillow Ad measures 300 x 250 pixels 360,000 Impressions Rotating, Run of Site Placement These packages are impressions based and are only to be used as a guide for standard options. Specific client needs can be assessed if and the packages can be altered to fit the client’s needs. Interact with Viewers Utilizing Macromedia Flash Technology, TriCities.com can design your banner ad in ways that the user can interact with the ad. We propose a mini-image gallery promoting 4-5 of your products. The user can mouse over or change the image and then select to view more on your website or to view the entire product gallery on Interactive Advertisement – Pillow Location Promote Your Products With our Pillow Ad Placement.
Connect to your Consumers With our Content Embedded Pillow Ad. Mix it Up, Increase Your Advertising’s Effectiveness by adding Online into your Marketing Mix. Mix it Up, Increase Your Advertising’s Effectiveness by adding Online into your Marketing Mix. 360,000 Impressions Rotating, Run of Site Placement These packages are impressions based and are only to be used as a guide for standard options. Specific client needs can be assessed if and the packages can be altered to fit the client’s needs. Proven Attention Grabber Consumers that also saw online ads were about 30 Times more likely to remember the TV spot than if they saw the TV spot alone Online Publishers Association Multimedia Advertisement – Auto Load VIDEO Pillow At TriCities.com we can encode your video commercial into an auto loading video banner ad that users will find embedded within our content. Users can not only watch the spot but also click on the ad to be delivered to your website. Once a month, we can change your spot with your newest video production. Video banner measures 300w x 208h pixels At 30 seconds.
In Summary Grand Furniture will receive: Sponsorship of our E-Newsletter “Infolert” This includes a Wide Skyscraper banner placement on every Infolert including breaking news alerts. Sponsorship of our local entertainment E-Newsletter “LIVE” This includes a Wide Skyscraper banner placement on each “LIVE” . Interactive Pillow Banner – Run of Site 360,000 impressions running inside TriCities.com content pages. Images on the banner may be changed 1 time per month. Video Pillow Banner – Run of Site 360,000 impressions running inside TriCities.com content pages. Commercial spot must be provided on VHS or Beta. Video for the banner may be changed 1 time per month. 1 Year Commitment $13,350