Fulfilling the three Aims of a Global Engineering Education Institution Erol Inelmen Bogaziçi University October 2007
putting too much emphasis on research hampers education Introduction
ENVIRONMENT NEEDS MEANS nutrition shelter care information recreation security transportation wear mining cultivating constructing servicing manufacturing recycling land florafauna soil water air animal human ecology economy technology sociology law KNOWLEDGE
Organizational Learning Operation Management Open Source ProfessioPersonal Development UML ONTOLOGY EPISTEMIOLOGY REPRESENTATION SIMULATION CAPTURE COLLABORATION RETRIEVAL LICENSE JAVA SERVER GRID 4 th DIMENSION MATERIALS PROCESSES PRODUCTS CONVEYORS Metal, Plastic, Ceramic Welding, Casting, Forming Windmill, Bicycle, Lift Airplane, Ship, Truck INNOVATION To: Peter Senge
No:AreaManagementDesignLocation 74-4Solid wasteCollection and DisposalHospital 83-2Solid wasteBiogas Production 84-1Solid wasteMethane ProductionCity 86-4Solid wasteProblems and SolutionsCity 86-6Solid wasteRecycling and Disposal 86-8Solid wasteRecyclingCity 87-2Solid wasteRecyclingCity 87-4Solid wasteRecycling and Disposal 87-7Solid wasteRecyclingCity 88-4Solid wasteRecyclingCity 90-2Solid wasteCollection and Disposal
Conclusion the possibility of building “knowledge factories” is no more a dream.
We remain in debt to the former Dean of Engineering Prof.Vedat Yerlici for his support. Acknowledgment