Fil Santiago Director of Staff Development and Technology West Orange Public Schools
Introduction What does the data say? Social Networking and Privacy Cyberbullying Sexting Tips for Navigating the WWW (Wild, Wild, Web) Questions and Discussion
“By 2020, members of Generation Y (today’s digital natives) will continue to be broadcasters who disclose a great deal of personal information in order to stay connected and take advantage of social, economic, and political opportunities.”
IN SCHOOL (SUPERVISED) Classroom Teacher District Filtering Children Internet Protection Act (CIPA) Compliance Blocks inappropriate content AT HOME Supervised Online Activity Parental Controls CELL PHONE (ANYTIME, ANYWHERE…) ???
Where are your children accessing the Internet at home? Kitchen Office Living Room Bedroom Basement Who is usually home when your children are using the computer? How many of you have children with SmartPhones? Do you have rules for Computer and Cell Phone Use?
CONTENT Educational Content Authoring, collaborative projects Empowerment: ability to create and establish portfolio/resume CONTACTS Connecting with friends, interest groups/clubs, experts Global awareness and links to learning networks Professional networking – LinkedIn COMMERCE Entrepreneurial opportunities
CONTENT Adult Material Race/Hate Sites Inaccurate Information CONTACTS Strangers Increased chances of receiving unsolicited, threatening, inappropriate s Guilty by association COMMERCE Advertisement Tracking of online behaviors, purchasing patterns Data Mining Invasion of Privacy
Online Actions Offline Consequences What you type, say, or do online can have a short and/or long- term effect on your life. Electronic data is permanent 14
How old do you have to be to create an account in Facebook? What do you need to create an social networking account? 15
16 When you set your social network site to private, only you can see what is on it. It is impossible to track a computers location over the Internet. You can’t be hurt by using the Internet, it is just text. Once I delete content (photos, video, text) on a Web site, it is permanently deleted. Most of the information on the Internet is accurate.
Things stay online because: 1. You forget to remove it. 2. Someone else decided to make and keep a copy. 3. Many social networking sites keep information archived long after you deleted it. Wayback Machine: 17
Establish trust and communication with your teen Ask you child to see his/her Facebook page Review their Friends list Speak with your children about the importance of: Keeping personal information private; Friending only people they know, met F2F; Keeping personal information private. Read/Review with your child Privacy Policies for Social Networking sites Link Internet experiences with offline activities/hobbies – sports, Boy Scouts, etc.
A Web site set up to mock others Posting embarrassing photos or video w/out consent Pretending to be someone else to spread rumors A mean or threatening Outing or sharing secrets to others Exclusion: intentional and cruel exclusion of others IMing a private communication to others Insulting another online gamer Forwarding gossip can be cyber bullying Practical jokes can be a form of harassment
Guard contact information Don’t give people you don’t know your cell number, screen name, or Don’t share passwords, not even with your friends Do not react when you get an harassing . Bullies want power and control over their victims
Sending nude or semi-nude images via cell phone Video
Lose privileges, ability to participate in sports or activities Arrested and charged with possession/transmission of pornography Jail and/or registered sex offender College entry to workforce