Renewable Energy Sources in Upper Austria Renewable Energy Sources in Upper Austria ESV-Design041012en Christiane Egger O.Ö. Energiesparverband Landstraße 45 A-4020 Linz, Austria T:
ESV-Design en Oberösterreich - Upper Austria Population:1.38 mio Area: km² GNP: billion € Final energy cons.: 260 PJ 33 % renewables (88 PJ) Unemployment:4 % economic activities:industry, service sector, tourism
O.Ö. Energiesparverband Objectives Energy Efficiency Renewable Energy Sources New Technologies Organisation Regional Energy Agency Services for private households, public buildings & companies Set up in 1991 OPET, FEDARENE, EUFORES Information and public awareness Energy advice European projects Energy certification for buildings Training Third party financing Research and pilot projects OEC - green energy network Services ESV-Design041012en
The energy strategy of Upper Austria ESV-Design041012en Energy Strategy ( ) Energy 21 ( ) First results: increase of renewables from 25 % (1994) to > 30 % (2002) (14 % hydro, 14 % biomass, 2 % solar & others) reduction of energy consumption in new domestic buildings by 30 % industry energy consumption decreased by 2 % /a 10,000 jobs New targets (2010): doubling biomass heating installations & solar thermal 30 new companies, 1500 new jobs 15 new energy R&D projects/a
log wood boilerswood chip boilers wood pellets boilers biomass district heating Biomass technologies used in Upper Austria ESV-Design041012en
ESV-Design041012en Biomass in Upper Austria 14 % of total energy consumption 17,500 biomass heating installations 200 district heating plants > 100 municipalities use biomass for heating < 100 kW 100 kW - 1 MW > 1 MW capacity in MW Upper Austria
Examples & success stories automatic wood pellet heating systems domestic solar biomass district heating networks ESV-Design041012en
target: doubling till 2010 < 100 kW 100 kW - 1 MW > 1 MW capacity in MW Biomass in Upper Austria ESV-Design041012en
in m² target: doubling till 2010 Upper Austria 2003:0,49 m²/inh. Upper Austria 2010:0,72 m²/inh. Austria:0,34 m²/inh. Germany:0,057 m²/inh. EU15:0,034 m²/inh. Solar thermal in Upper Austria cumulated ESV-Design041012en
Promotion of the market development of renewable energy sources Goal: Doubling biomass and solar installations "Create demand" Energy hotline energy advice Publications Financial support Legal measures "Meet demand" Training & education Research & demonstration Third Party Financing Oekoenergie-Cluster ESV-Design041012en
Oekoenergie-Cluster Upper Austria from the following sectors: Solar energy (thermal/PV) Biomass / Biogas Wind energy Heat pumps / Geothermal Small hydro power Energy efficiency technol. Third party financing Turnover: 270 MEuro Employees: almost 2,300 Export share: > 50 % 139 companies ESV-Design Network objectives: support business development of the partners foster increased co-operation among partners & with R&D organisations 71 % producers/suppliers of renewable technologies 23 % planners 6 % R&D institutions & others en
ESV-Design041012en Benefits for the region of Upper Austria Less imports~ 1 billion Euro/a Jobs in a growing market sector> 25,000/Austria New professions> 100 in education Technological innovation> 80 R&D projects Export opportunities> 50 % export rate Regional investment (2003)> 60 mio. Euro (2003) Creating local identity1,400 "shareholders" of wind power plants
ESV-Design041012en The end of the oil-era? oil-heating renewable energy technologies 8 % 32 % 36 % 62 %
World Sustainable Energy Days March 2005 Wels/Austria European Pellets Conference Innovative public and commercial buildings Energy Sustainable Communities Call for Papers deadline: 20 October