Philosophy and Ethics of Appropriate Technology PHIL 164 Marcel Castro, (PhD Candidate, Electrical and Computer Engineering) John Tharakan, PhD (Professor of Chemical Engineering) David Schwartzman, PhD (Professor of Biology) Appropriate Technology Projects
Examples Of Successful “Appropriate” Technologies Deep Well hand-pump in India –Maintenance and repair at the local village level Oral Rehydration Therapy (Worldwide – WHO) Waterpumping windmills (Argentina) –60,000 units in operation –Design from an Aeromotor windmill (USA) Bamboo reinforced rainwater storage (Thailand) –Built in drought prone areas –Family owned Bamboo well sinking for tube wells (India) –Lower cost of tube well installation –Irrigation pumping applications –Usable with portable pumps Rural access roads program (Kenya) Women’s cooperative Food Processing (India) –Members are partners, not employees –$4 mill in sales (Mostly hand rolled pappadams) Indigenously produced toolbar plows and carts –Financial return high: more land under cultivation
Potential Focus for Appropriate Technology Projects Agriculture Water Energy Transportation Health Care Education Small Business/Enterprises Communications Workshops
Potential Appropriate Technology Projects in Agricultural Fields –Small farm development –Agricultural management –Root crops –Bean crops –Composting/Vermicomposting –Pesticide and fertilizer use –Irrigation –Animal husbandry –Crop preservation and storage –Food processing
Potential Appropriate Technology Projects in Water –Water supply –Hand pumps –Water treatment –Water storage
Potential Appropriate Technology Projects in Energy –Renewable energy –Biomass/biogas –Solar –Bicycle power –Hydrostatic power –Cook stoves –Wind energy
Potential Appropriate Technology Projects on Transportation –Roads –Human powered vehicles –Alternative fuels/Biodiesel –Electric vehicles –Boats/water transport
Potential Appropriate Technology Projects With Healthcare –Primary health care –Communicable diseases –Alternative medicines –Dental care –Physiotherapy
Potential Appropriate Technology Projects in Education –Science Teaching –Scientific Literacy –Computer and Technological Literacy –Antipollution education –Informal education
Potential Appropriate Technology Projects Focused on Business –Small business –Cooperatives –Entrepreneurship –Finance –Book keeping and accounting
Potential Appropriate Technology Projects in Communications –Rural print communication –Radio Stations –Computers and the Internet –Wireless
Potential Appropriate Technology Projects with Workshops –Tool manufacture and repair –Blacksmithing/casting –Fabrication –Electric shops