Keith Cottingham, Triple, 1991
Robert Frank, Trolley, New Orleans,
Nancy Burson, Mankind,
Mug Shot of O.J. Simpson, Used for Time and Newsweek Cover Photos 1994.
Black Soldier Saluting French Flag, in Paris Match,, ca, 1958
Newsweek Inc., Trail of Blood (the.OJ Simpson trial), 1994
Weegee, Accused Cop Killer, 1941
Arthur W. Wang, Image of Roland Barthes, ca 1978.
Advertisement for Panzani Pasta, ca. 1958
Barbara Kruger, We Will Not Play Nature to Your Culture, ca 1990
Advertisement from the Fonda Group Inc., Sensations Napkins, ca. 2000
Olivero Toscani, Car Bomb Explosion, advertisement for United Colors of Benetton, no date
Mary Lambert, Material Girl (Madonna) Video, 1985.
Joseph Kosuth, One and Three Chairs, 1965.
Marcel Duchamp, Wanted/$2000 Reward, 1923.
Marcel Duchamp, L.H.O.O.Q, 1919.
Marcel Duchamp, Hatrack, 1917.
Marcel Duchamp, Fountain, 1917.
Vincent Van Gogh, Self- Portrait, ca. 1885
Vincent Van Gogh”Stuff”
Copy of Van Gogh The Bedroom at Arles,
Louis Kaplan and T-Shirt at Van Gogh Museum, 2002