How to Make a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich Rebekah Bichrest Rebekah Bichrest
Lesson Plan Read part of Monarch Butterfly by Gail Gibbons. Have a student explain how to make PB & J Sandwich and model what they say. Have whole class explain steps to me and record them. Have students make their own books and conference with me about them after.
Special Needs Needs Student Student
What I Learned: 1.A lesson plan is like a guideline because you never know how things are going to go. 2.Each student has their own talent. 3.Good energy helps to enhance the classroom environment.
A Question I Have: A Question I Have: If there is only one Ed-tech available in your classroom do you think that he/she should concentrate on helping a special needs child or a child who has behavioral problems?