1824- THE FIRST PERMANENT IMAGE Joseph Neipce takes the credit for the first permanent photographic image. / _chap01.pdf
1878- FIRST FILM EVER Eadweard Muybridge made the first film ever “Race Horse”. _in_cinema.html
1905- FIRST MOVIE THEATER The first movie theater opened in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on June 19,
1906- FIRST ANIMATION J. Stuart Blackton made a three minute short animation called Humorous Phases of Funny Faces. humorous.html
1923- WALT DISNEY STUDIOS In 1923 Walt Disney Studios was founded.
1927- PHONOVISION The earliest video format was created, phonovision. It allowed you to record and play back video.
MM KODACOLOR FILM Kodak introduces Kodacolor 16mm film. /Milestones_-_chronology/ htm
1941- FIRST TELEVISION ADVERTISEMENT The first advertisement on TV was a Bulova Clocks and Watches commercial. ever-shown-on-american-tv-1941.html
1953- FIRST 3D FILM IN THEATERS The horror film “ House of Wax” was the first three dimensional film to be released in theaters.
1956- THE FIRST VIDEO TAPE RECORDER The Ampex Corporation created the first video tape recorder. The idea was pioneered by German scientists during World War II. equipment.html
1956- THE 2 INCH QUADRUPLEX The first commercial video broadcast format. It wasn’t live though.
1964- THE SONY EV FORMAT CLP-1B It was the first portable video recording device. Mostly used in industries and schools.
1971- FIRST IMAX THEATER The first IMAX theater was in Toronto, Canada.
1973- CAPACITANCE ELECTRONIC DISC (CED) The first time video was stored on a disc rather than a film.
1976- VHS Could store hours of video on a tape. Used as home movies after they released from theaters.
1977- LASER DISC An early format of DVD. The quality of the discs were actually better than the DVDs that became popular.
1997- FIRST HD BROADCAST CAMCORDER Sony makes the first HD broadcast camera.
1998- FIRST LIVE WEBCAST The Billy Graham Crusade was broadcast live to a worldwide audience.
2002- FIRST CAMERA PHONE The Sanyo SCP-5300 was the first camera phone. phone-design-between /
2005- FIRST YOUTUBE VIDEO The video titled “Me at the zoo” was the first Youtube video ever. It was shot by a guy named Yakov Lapitsky.