Stop food waste! 18 th November, 2013 Morning Assembly Sharing – Miss Nicole Wong
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In fact, the problem doesn’t only exist in the European Union 歐盟 (EU) ! In fact, the problem doesn’t only exist in the European Union 歐盟 (EU) ! Lots of places have realized the seriousness of the problem Lots of places have realized the seriousness of the problem Including HK! Including HK!
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A few more tips to share A few more tips to share
Dining Use excessive cooked rice to make fried rice or cook with soup to make a delicious dish Use excessive cooked rice to make fried rice or cook with soup to make a delicious dish
Cleaning & Planting Use the rice- rinsed water to plant and clean Use the rice- rinsed water to plant and clean
Cleaning & Planting The grinded egg shells can be used as a fertilizer for planting or mixed with congee to increase the nutrition value The grinded egg shells can be used as a fertilizer for planting or mixed with congee to increase the nutrition value
More tips??? You can find more tips from the Internet! Just Google ‘Food Wise HK’
On the other side of the world……..
Remember, stop food waste!
Thank you! Thank you!