C. Kelly ProAct Network 5/24/2012Energy Efficiency and Post Disaster Shelter1
Energy Efficiency – The Golden Fleece? Mentioned in various reports, guidance, proposals Addressed as a matter of course, sometimes What is it? More importantly, how do you do it Post disaster In emergency, transition and permanent shelter Quickly In the face of resistance to change 5/24/2012Energy Efficiency and Post Disaster Shelter2
Energy Efficiency - What is it? “using less energy to provide the same service” (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory: Berkeley National Laboratoryhttp://eetd.lbl.gov/ee/ee-1.html Design – materials and methods used Siting – location, layout, land use, natural resource use Delivery – transport, storage, packaging Construction – methods and management Operation – sustainable – options for further reduction in energy use 5/24/2012Energy Efficiency and Post Disaster Shelter3
The Stuff Post-Disaster energy efficiency efforts tend to focus on: Stoves – heating and cooking Insulation – using various methods Materials – bricks, local materials (or not) Ventilation - design and siting Innovation – Biogas, solar panels, solar heating Is post disaster shelter energy efficiency driven by interest in specific methods? 5/24/2012Energy Efficiency and Post Disaster Shelter4
The How To Challenge of finding usable guidance on how to: Safer Homes, Stronger Communities; A Handbook for Reconstructing after Natural Disasters (World Bank) Green Recovery and Reconstruction Toolkit (American Red Cross/WWF US) Lots of individual guidance and ideas A gap in a comprehensive package of approaches, methods and tools? 5/24/2012Energy Efficiency and Post Disaster Shelter5
The Human Side Innovation and resistance: Do disaster survivors want energy efficiency? Ideas and reality: Can a good energy efficient design be implemented in a realistic timeframe with realistic resources? Magic markers and mechanical pencils: Can architects and engineers communicate? Time and level of effort: Can everything be done, or is there a need to focus, and if yes, on what? 5/24/2012Energy Efficiency and Post Disaster Shelter6
To Summarize Energy Efficient Post Disaster Shelter Concepts and process clear Practice tends to lag policy Concepts tend to lead practice Potential practices tend to be scattered Is an Energy Efficiency and Post Disaster Shelter Guide Needed? Will it make any difference? 5/24/2012Energy Efficiency and Post Disaster Shelter7
C. Kelly ProAct Network 5/24/2012Energy Efficiency and Post Disaster Shelter8