OceanSITES by Svein Østerhus Station M (66N, 2E) Norwegian Sea North Atlantic Nordic Seas Exchanges Weddell Sea Ice Shelf Overflow (ISW) Overflow
Fresher intermediate waters in the Nordic Seas Ocean weather station M (66 N, 2E) The longest deep-water record in the World. Essential for climate research that measurements are continued Note the freshening that starts around 1970 that gradually penetrates deeper into the water column. Salinity anomalies at Ocean Weather Station M
Warmer deep waters in the Nordic Seas Temperature anomalies at OWS M (66°N, 2°E) 2000 m
Status M (66N, 2E) The hydrographical program will continue unchanged (daily CTD casts) Data available after 1-2 months A new monitoring mooring will be deployed in 2006 Quality controlled time series (monthly means ) are in preparations to be publishes.
The North Atlantic Nordic Seas Exchanges The Iceland Branch / Irminger Current west of Iceland The Shetland Branch, Continental Slope Current through the Faroe- Shetland Channel The Faroe Branch / Current over the Iceland-Faroe Ridge MOEN
Volume transport of Atlantic Water Total=8.7 SC=4.2 FC=3.7 IC=0.8
Faroe Bank Channel monitoring 2 ADCPs (75 kHz) MicroCats Seasonal CTD sections
Status North Atlantic Nordic Seas Exchanges Continue with reduced field activity New initiative for Denmark Strait Overflow monitoring (Iceland & Germany) A web page will be establish to take over for the MOEN (ASOF-E-EU), see projects
The Ice Shelf Water (ISW) monitoring station in the southern Weddell Sea Filchner Depression 1.6 ± 0.5 Sv ISW (Foldvik et al 2004) ISW + WDW = 4 Sv WSBW (-0.8 C) WSBW AABW
Status Southern Weddell Sea station The mooring station is operated by British Antarctic Survey (BAS) and Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research (BCCR) The station is serviced biannually (last recovery/redeployment: Jan 2005) A new station is proposed as a part of our IPY initiative (
IPY station on the Filchner-Ronne Ice shelf? The role played in the climate system by the interaction between the ocean and Antarctic ice shelves is a key issue regarding future climate changes. To establish a long term (several decades) monitoring station on the Filchner- Ronne Ice Shelf, in the southern Weddell Sea is proposed as a part of the IPY BIAC.