GROUP: SNNPR January 24/2013 Value chain analysis and Identification of Potentials for irrigated crop commodities
Commodity1. Irrigated vegetables 1. Breaking value chain into its constituent parts I.Inputs/Services Seed, seedlings and planting materials Fertilizers and agro-chemicals Farm tools and equipments Irrigation equipments (pumps, sprayers, etc.) Accesses to land Credit
II. Production Skill and knowledge in vegetable production and management (agronomic practices & post harvest handling Irrigation and irrigation water management skills III. Processing/Transport equipments for collection and transport storage facility handling and grading value addition/shelf- life improvement
IV. Marketing Market information, accesses and linkage Volume Quality Packaging
2. Functions of the chain actors at different stages Constituent partActorFunction A.Input supply Seed, seedlings and planting materials FarmerProduce, multiply and supply seed Private seed producers, distributer, retailers Produce, multiply and distribute seed Research generate and release new varieties produce basic seed Cooperative Unionsdistribute seed Public sector Produce and multiply seed, facilitate the distribution and adoption of quality seeds Fertilizers and agro-chemicals Cooperative UnionsImport and distribution
Public sector Facilitation and regulatory roles Research Research based Recommendations farmerUltimate user Farm tools and equipments Private sector (manufacturers, retailers, distributors) Produce, import, distribute and retail farm tools and equipments Public sector (Rural technology centres) Produce and distribute farm tools Functions cont...
Irrigation equipments (pumps, sprayers, drippers, etc...) Private sector(manufacturers, retailers, distributors) Produce, import, distribute and retail farm tools and equipments as well as maintenance & services Credit Microfinance institutions (Omo, RUSCO, Wisdom) Provide credit service LandLocal administration Facilitate access to irrigable land for landless rural youth and women A.Production Skill and knowledge in production and management (agronomic practices & post harvest handling Public sector(Universities, Research centres, BoA) NGOs, Provide training, demonstration, extension service, experience sharing Functions cont...
Irrigation and irrigation water management skills Public sector (Universities, Research centres, BoA) NGOs, Provide training, demonstration, extension service, experience sharing A.Processing/transport equipments for collection and transport Farmer/producer, small and micro enterprises, private sector Produce, transport, distribute, supply equipments for transport storage facility Public sector, farmer, Private sector/traders Supply cooling and storage facility Handling/ grading/certification Public sector, farmers, NGOs, research centres Train, standard setting, regulates, approves, monitors and certifies safety standard Functions cont...
value addition/shelf life improvement Farmers, rural youth and women, NGO, Public sector (BoA), BoMCo. Train, organize (BoA,BoMC, NGOs) Processing, marketing and supply (Farmers, Youth & women) D. Marketing Market information and linkage Public sector(Agricultural, cooperative, trade and industry sectors) ; Provide market information; Create market linkage; Provide production, marketing centre and popularization; provide capacity building for business plan development; facilitate credit services Volume, Quality and Packaging Farmers, BoA, BoMCo, Small enterprises and NGOs Improve & increase productivity and volume of products and land cover. Quality standard development and regulation, packing Functions cont...
3. Services provided and service providers at each stage ServiceService provider A.Input Seed supplyCooperatives and private sector Fertilizer & Agro-chemicalsCooperatives and private sector Farm tools and equipmentsCooperatives and private sector Irrigation equipments supply and maintenance services (pumps, sprayers, drippers, etc...) Private sector Accesses to landLocal government CreditNGOs, MFIs B. Production Skill and knowledge (extension service)Public sector, NGO C. Processing Skill and knowledge (extension service)Public sector, NGO
D. Marketing Market linkage Cooperatives, public sector, NGOs Services cont...
4. Vision/model of the value chain Commodity: Vegetable Realizing maximum potential of sustainable vegetable production and productivity and creating dependable marketing system to improve the income and livelihood of men and women vegetable producers. Sub-visions Focus on utilization of small and micro irrigation scheme to benefit larger population of farming community Increase productivity from the present low production by 50% through:- Establish dependable seed supply system.
Improve the efficiency & dependability of input supply system. Promote the utilization of vegetable in the diet of people through awareness creation, training and demonstration Continuous capacity building for farmers and frontline development workers in irrigated vegetable production Establishing dependable market system through Enhancing continuous supply of desired volume and quality of products Provision of reliable & timely market information Promotion of value addition practices
ConstraintsOpportunities Quality seed sourceGrowing demand Diseases & pestAttractive price (?) Lack of appropriate irrigation technologies and facilities Growing farmers awareness Perish ability of productsConducive policy environment Market problems (seasonality, market linkage) Conducive Agro ecology Skill and knowledge (at all level)Availability of water bodies Logistics and operational cost 5. Constraints and opportunities
6. Required knowledge and capacities to realize the vision Provide appropriate production and product technology Facility and equipments Logistic support Inter and intra regional experience sharing Training Share from successful other countries experience 7. Required services to realize the vision Knowledge management IT services E-extension
8. Enabling environment conditions to realize the vision Political commitment and back up Integration at all level Engage private sector Increased farmers awareness
Commodity2. Irrigated fodder development I. Inputs/Services Seed, seedlings and planting materials Fertilizers and agro-chemicals Farm tools and equipments Irrigation equipments (pumps, sprayers, drippers, etc.) Accesses to land Credit
II. Production Skill and knowledge in fodder production and management (agronomic practices ) Lack of skill with the selection of appropriate seed ( high yielding varieties) & fodder development strategy, (under sowing,....) Irrigation and irrigation water management skills
III. Processing/Transport equipments for collection and transport skill & knowledge of fodder seed collection storage & handling Utilization (formulating ration) Fodder conservation value addition/ improvement of palatability, nutritional value, digestibility
IV. Marketing Market information, accesses and linkage Volume Quality Packaging Marketing fodder products & seed,
2. Functions of the chain actors at different stages Constituent partActorFunction Seed and planting materials Farmer(s) Produce, multiply and supply seed individually and in group basis Private seed suppliers, retailers Supply forage seed Research generate and release new forage seed varieties Multiply & produce basic seed Cooperative Unionsdistribute seed
Functions of the chain actors cont.. Constituent part ActorFunction Public sector Produce and multiply seed, facilitate the distribution and adoption of quality forage seeds Fertilizers Cooperative Unions Import and distribution Public sectorFacilitation and regulatory roles ResearchResearch based Recommendations farmerUltimate user; prepare compost
Functions of the chain actors cont.. Constituent part ActorFunction Farm tools and equipments Private sector (manufacturers, retailers, distributors) Produce, import, distribute and retail farm tools and equipments Public sector (Rural technology centres) Produce and distribute farm tools Irrigation equipments (pumps, sprayers, drippers, etc...) Private sector(manufacturers, retailers, distributors) Produce, import, distribute and retail farm tools and equipments as well as maintenance & services LandLocal administrationFacilitate access to irrigable land for landless rural youth and women
Functions of the chain actors cont.. Constituent partActorFunction B. Production Skill and knowledge in fodder production, management & utilization (agronomic practices) Public sector (Universities, Research centres, BoA) NGOs, Provide training, demonstration, extension service, experience sharing Irrigation and irrigation water management skills Public sector(Universities, Research centres, BoA) NGOs, Provide training, demonstration, extension service, experience sharing on integration of irrigated fodder with crop production
Functions of the chain actors cont.. Constituent partActorFunction Processing/transport equipments for collection, processing (threshing, conservation) and transport Farmer/producer, small and micro enterprises, private sector Produce, transport, distribute, supply equipments for product transport storage facility Public sector, farmer, Private sector/traders Supply storage facility Handling/ grading/certification Public sector, farmers, NGOs, research centres Trains, sets standard, regulates, approves, monitors and certifies forage seeds/fodder biomass Value addition/shelf life improvement Farmers, rural youth and women, NGO, Public sector (BoA), BoMCo. Train, organize (BoA,BoMC, NGOs) Processing, chemical and physical treatment (Farmers, Youth & women) and proper utilization
Functions of the chain actors cont.. Constituent partActorFunction C. Marketing Market information and linkage Public sector(Agricultural, cooperative) Provide market information; Create market linkage; Provide production, marketing centre and popularization; provide capacity building for business plan development; facilitate credit services as needed Volume, Quality and Packaging Farmers, BoA, BoMCo, Small enterprises and NGOs Improve & increase productivity and volume of products and land cover. Quality standard development and regulation (farmer and BoA, BoMCo), packaging materials and packing
3. Services provided and service providers at each stage ServiceService provider A.Input Seed supply Farmer, public sector, Cooperatives, research and private sector FertilizerCooperatives and private sector Farm tools and equipmentsCooperatives and private sector Irrigation equipments supply and maintenance services (pumps, sprayers, drippers, etc...) Private sector Accesses to landLocal government
Services provided and service providers con... ServiceService provider B. Production Skill and knowledge (extension service) Public sector, NGO C. Processing Skill and knowledge (extension service) Public sector, NGO D. Marketing Market linkageCooperatives, public sector, NGOs
4. Vision/model of the value chain Commodity:- Fodder production Double fodder production and utilization at project woredas
Sub-visions Proper utilization of available fodder through cut and carry system to enhance natural resource development Integrate forage production with crop production Generate and promote appropriate forage seed and technologies that can implemented both by women & men Promote forage seed production and exchange at farmer level (Forage seed revolving scheme)
Implement appropriate forage development strategy at each farm gate, Promote feed bank Organize and support fodder producer rural youth cooperatives Focus on utilization of small and micro irrigation scheme to benefit larger population of farming community Establish dependable forage seed supply system.
Improve the efficiency & dependability of input supply system. Continuous capacity building for farmers and frontline development workers in irrigated fodder production Establishing dependable market system through Enhancing continuous supply of desired volume and quality of products Provision of reliable & timely market information Promotion of value addition practices Increase involvement of female(s) in marketing of processed fodder & fodder seed,
Constraints and opportunities ConstraintsOpportunities Quality seed sourceGrowing demand Diseases & pestAttractive price (?) Lack of appropriate irrigation technologies and facilities Growing farmers awareness Conducive policy environment Market problems (seasonality, market linkage) Conducive Agro ecology Skill and knowledge (at all level)Availability of water bodies Logistics and operational cost
Required knowledge and capacities to realize the vision Provide appropriate production and product technology Facility and equipments Logistic support Inter and intra regional experience sharing Training Share from successful other countries experience
Required services to realize the vision Knowledge management IT services E-extension
Enabling environment conditions to realize the vision Political commitment and back up Integration at all level Engage private sector Increased farmers awareness
Vision 3 Commodity:- Irrigated Tropical fruit Realizing maximum potential of sustainable market oriented fruit production and productivity to enhance income and livelihood of men and women producers as well earning of foreign currency.
Sub-visions Focus on enhanced production of fruit with larger population of farming community Increase productivity of fruits through- Establish dependable seed/planting material supply sources. Improve the efficiency & dependability of input supply system. Promote the market linkage and increase awareness creation, training and demonstration Capacitating farmer and frontline development workers in irrigated fruit production
Establishing dependable market system through:- Enhancing continuous supply of desired volume and quality of products Provision of reliable & timely market information Promotion of value addition practices