The 6 th Meeting of Low Carbon Model Town Task Force (LCMT TF) The 46 th APEC Energy Working Group and Associated Meetings Da Nang, Viet Nam, 18 November, 2013 Refinement of Concept of the Low-Carbon Town in the APEC Region ( LCMT-TF ) Kazutomo Irie General Manager, Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre (APERC) 1
Initiated by the APEC Energy Ministers’ 2010 Fukui Declaration To promote low-carbon town development in order to manage rapidly growing energy consumption in urban areas of the APEC region. The key activities are: Feasibility study to be conducted by qualified urban design consultants to encourage creation of low-carbon communities in urban development plans “Concept of the Low-Carbon Town in the APEC Region” to be conducted by Study Group A assisted by APERC Policy review to assess actual low carbon town development projects from both technical and policy perspectives; to be conducted by Study Group B assisted by APERC Low-Carbon Model Town (LCMT)~Key Activities 2
・ To provide a basic idea of what is a low- carbon town and an effective approach on how to develop it ・ To provide a basic principle that can assist the central and local government officials of member economies in planning effective low-carbon policies and in formulating an appropriate combination of low-carbon measures ・ To try to be comprehensive, but rather focus on greenfield development (such as Yujiapu, Tianjin) in retrospect. ・ Please see the following URL 3 “The Concept of the Low-Carbon Town in the APEC Region”
(Major contents) (1) Background (2) The Concept of the Low Carbon Town (3) Basic Approach to Develop a Low Carbon Town (4) Characterization of Towns and Low Carbon Measures (5) Measures to Use in the Development of a Low carbon Town (6) Evaluating the Effect of Low Carbon Measures ・ Focus on resort area (such as Samui Island) ・ Please see the following URL 4 “The Concept of the Low-Carbon Town in the APEC Region: Second Edition”
LCMT Phase 3 : Da Nang, Viet Nam as the case Refinement of “The Concept of the Low-Carbon Town in the APEC Region” has been carried out by Study Group A, focusing on redevelopment of an existing town (such as Da Nang) and the study of Low Carbon Town Indicators. Refinement will be completed by the end of For reference, Study Group A has visited Portland, OR in USA, San Borja in Peru, and Washington DC in USA during 22 July – 1 August Cf. We are planning to carry out a Policy Review on 4 – 6 December 2013 in Da Nang, Viet Nam. A Draft Final Report will be submitted to EWG47 for discussion and endorsement. Progress in Refinement of “The Concept” (1) 5
* Major points proposed for refinement of “The Concept” (We will ask for Study Group A members’ comments soon.) 1. Monitoring ・ Mechanism to monitor the progress toward the target of CO2 emission reduction 2. Greenery ・ To prevent heat island phenomenon, mitigate air temperature ・ To absorb CO 2 3. Water treatment ・ Sustainable use of water ; (1) tap water infrastructure, (2) small hydro power, (3) biogas, (4) reuse of drain water, (5) space utilization for tap/drain facilities(e.g. solar power) and (6) reuse of water in commercial buildings. 4. Transportation ・ To use alternative fuel vehicles and eco-driving ・ Add “Hybrid Electric Vehicle” and “Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle” as the next generation vehicle Progress in Refinement of “The Concept” (1) 6
The following two Presentations related to refinement of “The Concept” (1)Study of APEC Low Carbon Town Indicators by Dr. Shinji Yamamura, Nikken Sekkei Research Institute (2) Site Visit by Study Group A and other comments by Mr. Michinaga Kohno, Hitachi Ltd. Progress in Refinement of “The Concept” (2) 7
Thank You APERC looks forward to cooperating with you in the future 8