Highlights Sports Psychology Mr. L. Doron
Highlights The goal of highlights is to interpret what happens to you in a positive way. It helps you anticipate and prepares you for life and sports. Helps you think in a positive way Often will get topics to write for you… It is similar to a journal except that it is Sports or related to personal development and achievement. Discusses sports psychology issues such as mental skills or decisions you have made.
Rubric You will be given a rubric to facilitate the process and allow you to maximize your score. Read it carefully and make sure you have not forgotten anything. We will practice at first 1 st highlight worth 5% and again for 5% and then the rest will be worth another 10%.
Cover Page All the highlights will be written by hand at first (mostly in class) After, you will be asked to type them up. Do a cover page and respect the format. Click here for an example and follow the exact same patternhere Click here to see the rubrichere
1 st and 2 nd Paragraph Indent each paragraph Have a topic sentence Click here for examples…here Text should flow and make sense. There should be an order. Make sure you have at least six sentences per paragraph (not more then 10).
Positive Sports Psychology Words / Concepts Use at least five positive sports psychology words Underline them Discuss at least one mental skill. Examples of mental skills, click here.here Should be somewhat inspirational
Interpretation / Connection / Flow It is not what happens to you in life but rather how you interpret what happens to you in life that is important… Examples such as Edison Lincoln.300 baseball player (after 10,000 at bats)… Make broader connections from your experience Be totally absorbed in your situation (flow) Ask at least one question and explore solutions… If things are going bad – how can I turn things around? I can probably work harder, study more etc. If you lack confidence –how can I improve my confidence? I should probably believe in myself even though things are not looking good right now.
English Grammar counts; keep it in the present Spelling counts Avoid apostrophes – it looks more professional i.e. didn’t = did not; couldn’t = could not etc. Title centred and capitalized except small words (under four letters) such as of, the and etc. Capitalize first and last word of the title no matter what
Tips and Tricks Must be positive. Can initially be negative but tell me how you turned the situation into a positive. Talk about decisions you have taken. Write about what inspires you.
Examples of Content My confidence level is at a low right now. However, I am going to continue practicing hard. I will use my mental imagery skills to think about positive outcomes. I was using a very positive self-talk during practice. I was using words such as “let’s go”, “I can do it”. I am optimistic about this weekend’s game. I see myself doing very well. For example, (talk about how you see yourself playing…)
Examples of Content con’t I made a good decision the other day when asked whether or not I wanted to go party. Develop this idea… Ask questions… Although we are losing many games, I wonder what I can do to turn things around. How can I improve my confidence? Explore this idea in greater detail (get absorbed in this experience which shows signs of flow) such as w probably need to communicate better, trust each other etc. Remember it must be positive and somewhat inspirational
Format, Format, Format Blue pen or pencil! Always write your full first and last name on the top left hand side and date (respect this format September 1, 20XX) on the right hand side). Skip a space and then have a title (Make it catchy) i.e. My Big Decision and underline it.
Format, Format, Format Skip another space and begin. Double space Attach the rubric! Crumple free loose leaf Punctuality… you will lose five points per class day that it is late. It is your responsibility to hand things in if you are absent.
Final Product (when typed) Insert page numbers (not on the 1 st page). Use the insert page number feature on your word processor. Font size = 12 Font style = times new roman Align both margins (justified) One staple on the top left hand side Three whole punch on white paper, blank ink Click here to see an example of the final producthere Must hand it in with a smile Worth 20% of your mark… enjoy the process!