Publishing in The Boolean Prof Alan Kelly Dean of Graduate Studies
What is The Boolean? A platform to share short accounts of research undertaken by doctoral students To be circulated principally, but not only, within UCC A part of the skills development programme for research students Not an academic journal Not peer-reviewed Not the final home of your research
What is the purpose of The Boolean? Share knowledge about doctoral research within UCC Share knowledge about doctoral research beyond UCC with those who may be interested (e.g., stake-holders, employers) Develop non-academic communication skills Get practice with writing and publishing Get practice with editing and managing
The Boolean Volume
The importance of communication to researchers “Think like a wise man, but speak the language of the people” WB Yeats “The greatest problem with communication is the illusion that it has taken place” GB Shaw Arguably, the most important part of research is the ability to communicate its outcomes effectively to those who need to know Otherwise, what is the point? Key is to understand your audience
The structured development of key skills: The Irish Universities’ PhD Skills Statement
What are the key characteristics of articles for the journal? Clarity Accessibility to the non-specialist (bridges between your knowledge and their background) Sense of interest and enthusiasm for the reader
The absence of peer-review Clarity to non-specialist key criterion for acceptance Not to interfere with formal publication Academic merit or correctness not being judged Reader not expected to reproduce work or follow it up as would an academic article Burden of proof not as high (i.e., no need for academic support measures such as statistics, references bar the very minimum to support a point or allow the interested reader to delve further) Figures can be really useful (1,000 words etc.) if simple, clear and illustrative Not being judged by peers with prior knowledge but by readers without it
How do articles for The Boolean compare to academic articles? Academic articlesBoolean articles Must be clear Specialist audienceGeneral audience Assume pre-knowledgeAssume no pre-knowledge Reader motivation academic Reader motivation personal interest Avoid the personal and remain aloof Greater room for emotion, metaphor, quotations, character if helps get the message across
How to make the reader empathise with your research? Relate to what they know Relate to their background Relate to how they can learn what you need them to know Build bridges from your research to their way of learning Use tricks which would not be used in academic articles (rhetoric, humour, analogy) Create an impression of confidence in the writer and belief in their message Journalism versus academic writing?
Consider the reader’s attention curve Start with interest - title and opening sentence are critical Where will you lose the reader? What exact words (make a list)? What tricks can you use to minimise the dip (analogy, quote, everyday reference)?
Need to ‘zoom’ Start with introduction to grab the reader in relation to what they know already (start with THE TITLE) End by helping the reader apply to their own knowledge (speculate but not too wildly) Cautiously increase level of detail
Writing clearly for a non-academic audience Need to focus on grammar and punctuation and learn to use them correctly (mind your commas!) Articles need to flow and carry reader through what is being said ‘Scary’ words: avoid, explain or defuse Avoid abbreviations as much as possible Avoid big blocks of text and huge paragraphs How formal should you be? Aim for professional and credible but accessible Audience is not captive as for an academic article – reading for interest not for work - if too much hard work, can just give up trying Norms for academic writing will vary from discipline to discipline but writing for a general audience is more of a level playing field
Handling authorship Title of article Student name and academic unit 1 Footnote on first page 1 Third year PhD student in the School/Department of XXX, under the supervision of Dr YYY and Prof ZZZ. Funding for this work was provided by **** (delete if not appropriate)
What next? oFormat to follow – use it carefully oSubmission process to be on-line oCheck with your supervisor (NB form)!! oSubmit articles by 15 July 2012 oAll articles will be reviewed by one academic staff member and one student editorial board member oFeedback by mid-August oMay need revision and reconsideration oVolume 1: 37 out of 38 submitted articles finally accepted and published oAcceptance rate close to 100% oPublication Volume 3 planned for 4 October 2012