Editing Web Sites Writing for the Web The Internet Writer’s Handbook 2/e
Contents Sentences Word choice Style Spelling Checklist
The Internet Writer’s Handbook 2/e Keep sentences short Under 20 words
The Internet Writer’s Handbook 2/e Avoid vague words A lot (not alot) Big Bunch Good Nice Pretty Some Stuff Thing
The Internet Writer’s Handbook 2/e Avoid buzzwords Check it out Cool For your viewing pleasure Hot Information superhighway Lots Neat Newbie One-stop shop pleasure Full of resources Functionality Stuff Surf/surfer Techno- Thread Tips and tricks Ultimate Up and running
The Internet Writer’s Handbook 2/e Avoid adding unnecessary endings to nouns Examples: -ting, -ation, -ment, -istic, -ology, -ity, -ize If you’re architecting the information in a Web site...
The Internet Writer’s Handbook 2/e Avoid jargon
The Internet Writer’s Handbook 2/e Use an informal style and personal tone when appropriate Contractions “You”
The Internet Writer’s Handbook 2/e Use personal pronouns The user will find... You will find...
The Internet Writer’s Handbook 2/e Examples: YOU orientation
The Internet Writer’s Handbook 2/e Avoid promotional language This web site is to briefly show you the amazing technologies available to you, for your own amazing site.
The Internet Writer’s Handbook 2/e Be careful with humor Avoid puns and plays on words. Avoid local humor. Use cartoons when they are appropriate. Be careful with humorous headings and link text so that it is clear what they mean.
The Internet Writer’s Handbook 2/e Consider international readers Writing style Vocabulary Sentence length Phone numbers Measurements Times Dates
The Internet Writer’s Handbook 2/e Use positive wording and a confident style I hope... This page is an attempt... I have not been able to keep up this page..
The Internet Writer’s Handbook 2/e Use a confident style These pages are meant to be a collection of Internet statistics in one place.
The Internet Writer’s Handbook 2/e Convey your credibility Use a confident style. Avoid promotional language. Be accurate. Provide support materials that give your background. Tell how often material is updated.
The Internet Writer’s Handbook 2/e Check spelling
The Internet Writer’s Handbook 2/e Editing Checklist See Review Checklist in the Appendix
The Internet Writer’s Handbook 2/e Check for the following: Key Web page elements required for each Web page Format consistency Consistency in wording Spelling Grammar Punctuation Usage Style & tone Omitted words
The Internet Writer’s Handbook 2/e