10 Tips for Effective Cooperative Teachers Presented by: Jamie Lynn Horvath
1. Welcoming the Teacher 2. Get Involved 3. Lesson Plans 4. Resources 5. Strategies & Technique 6. Classroom Management & Style Top Ten List 7. Evaluations 8. Professionalism 9. Partnership with ESU 10. Ending the Field Experience
Welcoming the Student Teacher Inform your students ahead of time Provide a workspace (not a student desk) Supplies
Get Involved (ASAP!) Do more than just observe Need to know daily routine Introduction letter sent home Introductory lesson / Day 2
Lesson Plans Use ESU format Follow timeline Complete reflections/journal daily Assist with pacing Add more subjects/classes as weeks progress Professional Seminar more difficult – NO!
Resources Use district curriculum & textbooks Internet (wealth of information) Becker’s Parent/Teacher Store Mailbox Magazine Ideas from methods classes Seminar Meetings/Student Teacher classes – listen to peers
Strategies & Technique Move from textbook theories to application Risk-takers / Think “outside the box” – reflect on effectiveness Add creative element Need to develop a “bag of tricks” Keep the Pace !
Classroom Management & Style How S.T. runs the class Some S.T. are naturals - most need time to establish comfort level Guide, model, & discuss how to manage classroom - don’t look for them to be a mirror image
Evaluations Difficult for most C.T. Try to be positive / don’t overwhelm with little criticism Give constructive critique of performance to move S.T. forward in development
Evaluations (continued) Supervisor visit Multiple observers - other colleagues (ask permission 1 st ) - assistant principal or principal - meet with recently hired teacher (discuss interviewing & portfolio) Video tape S.T. Gather portfolio materials
Professionalism Dress code Promptness Faculty room Language (avoid slang, incorrect grammar usage) Attend faculty meetings, conferences, IEP meetings, etc. Follow ESU timetables (ex: Phase I, Phase II, Phase III – lesson plans, reflections, journals) No Excuses! (ex: computer broke)
Partnership with ESU Become very familiar with handbook - know what is expected of S.T. - be aware of timetables & requirements Contacting ESU - don’t wait if you feel there is a problem (go with your instinct) - , phone, person-to-person - better to get the S.T. help then waiting until the end of the experience
Ending the Field Experience Letter of recommendation (cite specific examples) - websites available Pass/Fail grade – determined by ESU Provide closure for students in class
Final Thoughts Through this process your role is to act as a guide - motivated & rejuvenated - latest trends - help mentor someone who has the power to change the future Ultimately the success of the experience relies on the S.T.
Good Luck !