Maharashtra Water Resources Integrated Water Resources Management


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Presentation transcript:

Maharashtra Water Resources Integrated Water Resources Management Regulatory Authority Objectives, Functions, Achievements & Challenges Dr. Suresh A Kulkarni Secretary, MWRRA, Mumbai MWRRA National Workshop on Integrated Water Resources Management New Delhi, 2-3 February 2015

Water Resources of Maharashtra Surface water allocated to the State =126 BCM Groundwater = 33 BCM MWRRA Industry Industry Domestic Domestic Irrigation Irrigation Surface water

Water demand Scenario in Maharashtra MWRRA

MWRRA About MWRRA Established by statute in June 2005 Became operational in August 2006 One of the components under ‘Institutional Restructuring and Capacity Building’ of the MWSIP First regulatory body functional in water sector in India MWRRA

MWRRA Objectives of MWRRA to regulate water resources within the State, to facilitate and ensure judicious, equitable and sustainable management, allocation and utilisation of water resources, to fix the rates for use of water for agriculture industrial, drinking and other purposes, to act as the State Groundwater Authority. MWRRA

MWRRA MWRRA Organization Chart CHAIRMAN Member Member Secretary (Water Resource Engineering) Member (Water Resource Economy) Special Invitees (Five River Basins) Secretary MWRRA Supporting Staff Sanctioned Posts Filled-in Posts Technical 11 Non-Technical 26 Technical6 Non-Technical 17

Key Functions To determine criteria for bulk water tariff for various categories of users in consultation with beneficiary public, To determine the criteria for the distribution of entitlements by RBAs within each category of use after sectoral allocation is made by the government, To determine the priority of equitable distribution of water available at water resource project, sub-basin and river basin levels during periods of scarcity , To clear water resource projects as per the Governor’s directive for removal of regional imbalance in irrigation development, To act as the appellate authority for dispute resolution relating to entitlement between WUE & RBA, To support & aid the enhancement & preservation of water quality, To act as the State Ground Water Regulatory Authority, and To promote and implement sound water conservation and management practices throughout the State; MWRRA

Determination of the Criteria for Bulk Water Tariff (CBWT) – Step by step procedure Prepare an Approach Paper Discuss the Approach Paper with Stakeholders statewide Prepare revised draft CBWT based on the feedback Present and discuss at the state level workshop Holding regional consultation with stakeholders Refining and revising draft criteria and circulating among experts, NGOs, WRD Finalizing CBWT and sending it to WRD Tariff proposal prepared by WRD and sent to MWRRA for scrutiny Preparing a brief tariff proposal and circulating at all talukas Modifying tariff proposal based on the comments received Issuing tariff order by MWRRA and WRD MWRRA

Allocation of weightages to parameters in cost matrix (Tariff exercise 2013 – 16) 60 10 10 20 MWRRA Agriculture Domestic Industry

Area-based water rates in Maharashtra (Rs./ha) (2010-13) Sr. No Crop Kharif Rabi Hot Weather 1 Cereals & other 240 - 2 Groundnut 350 700 1050 3 Vegetables & Onion 600 1200 1800 4 Paddy 480 720 5 Wheat 470 6 Other Rrabi 7 Chilli, Ginger, Tur 120 360 8 Cotton 450 900 1350 9 Sugarcane, Banana 2100 3140 10 Horticulture 790 1580 2350 MWRRA

Irrigation rates for some major crops in select states (Rs./ha) Paddy Sugarcane Wheat Groundnut Maharashtra 480 6290 470 724 Andhra Pradesh 370 864 -- 247 Bihar 217 185 Chattisgarh 494 741 200 Gujarat 360 300 160 Karnataka 988 148 Madhya Pradesh 155 960 125 75 Rajasthan 198 287 114 Uttar Pradesh 474 212 MWRRA (CWC, 2010)



Authority’s Role in Regional Backlog Removal To ensure Governor’s Directives regarding removal of Irrigation backlog while clearing new projects To ensure that available man power is used in new projects in Backlog areas To review on quarterly basis implementation of projects Authority has cleared 189 projects for backlog removal since its inception Vidarbha

Entitlement Programme of Irrigation Projects Entitlement means any authorization by any River Basin Agency to use the water. It involves issuance, enforcement, and implementation of Bulk water entitlements to WUAs. Installation of a measuring device is a pre-requisite for the bulk water supply MWRRA Entitlement programme commenced from 2006-07 By March 2014, 256 projects comprising 1368 WUAs & covered 0.62 million ha Entitlement enabled bulk water supply of WUAs on volumetric basis Jointly with WALMI, workshops for WUAs, Regulators, and Field Officers are organized annually Need to up-scale the programme on the remaining projects covering about 4.4 million ha.

Entitlement Programme - Performance Indicators Base line 2010-11 2011-12 Remark Water Use Efficiency (ha/Mm3) 78.5 104 140 For select schemes Increase in Income (Rs./1000 m3) 3,532 5,032 6,564 Source: Annexure 19 of Status Report for World Bank Implementation Review & Support Mission, J an 7 – 19, 2013. MWRRA Authority carries out “Evaluation of Determination, Enforcement, Regulation & Monitoring of Entitlement in Projects for Kharif, Rabi &Hot Weather Season” of the entitlement program every year. Evaluation Reports from 2008-09 onwards have been posted on the website. Impact of Entitlement Program is as under, Indicator 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Percentage of projects receiving more than 80% of Applicable Entitlement 32% (29 / 90) 31% (58 / 189) 47% (75 / 161) As the rehabilitation works progress, this trend is expected to increase further.

Holding of statewide stakeholder consultations/public hearings, workshops is an integral part of the decision making process of MWRRA

MWRRA issued an order on 19 September 2014 related to equitable distribution of water between upstream reservoirs and Jayakwadi dam of the Upper Godawari sub basin MWRRA

For promoting sustainable and judicious use of water, Authority has issued a Notification on 16 January 2015 for making mandatory use of Drip & Sprinkler irrigation methods for perennial crops grown on three projects on pilot basis Will be up-scaled to all the projects in the State by June 2019 MWRRA

Preservation of water quality in rivers and water bodies in the State Clause 12(5) of the MWRRA Act requires MWRRA to support and assist the enhancement and preservation of water quality in the State in close coordination with the relevant State Agencies To discharge this function, MWRRA is liaising with MPCB, Environment Dept, WS&SD (MJP included), and MIDC. Effective interaction and support from these line agencies is lacking MWRRA

Groundwater regulation Maharashtra Groundwater Act (no.26 of 2013) is enacted for sustainable and equitable groundwater supply and regulation with community participation, Act has become effective since 1st June 2014 MWRRA

Key Activities MWRRA to function as the State Ground Water Authority , Notification to be issued for over exploited / critical, watersheds by Authority through consultative process, Registration of all wells owners and drilling rig owners/ operators, Deep tube / bore wells (> 60 m) to be banned in notified areas, Constitution of District watershed management Committee (DWMC), Constitution of Watershed Water Resources Committee (WWRC) of stakeholders in notified areas, Preparation of Integrated watershed Development and Management Plan, and WWRC to prepare annual groundwater use plan, promote community participation, artificial recharge, and grant permission for new wells. MWRRA

Documents/ Reports brought out by MWRRA Technical Manual for Fixing, Regulating and Enforcing the Entitlements in Irrigation Projects, 2007 Technical Manual for preparation of State water Plan for Basin, 2007 Guidelines on Powers & Functions of Regulators & Responsibility of WRD Officials Criteria for Distribution of Entitlement by River Basin Agencies for Domestic and Industrial Uses, 2012 Approach Papers on Preparation of criteria of Bulk Water tariff Criteria for Determination of Bulk Water Tariff, 2010- 2013; 2013-16 MWRRA (Recruitment & Conditions of Service of Employees) Regulation 2013 MWRRA (Conduct of Business) Regulation 2013 MWRRA (Fees & Charges) Regulation 2013 Policy for Project Clearance - draft circulated for consultation Annual Reports(2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09, 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13 MWRRA

Conclusions and Way Forward MWRRA as a regulator is successful in – determining the criteria for bulk water tariff for agriculture (irrigation), domestic and industrial uses, implementation of entitlement program in 256 projects and 1368 WUAs covering 0.62 million ha, developing liaison with MPCB, MIDC, GSDA, MJP, Agri. Dept., besides WRD; and also NGOs, resolving disputes related to water allocation Transparent and inclusive decisions based on wide consultations with stake holders Steady increase in volumetric supply and charging of water to WUAs, Help foster formation of WUAs; no of WUAs doubled during 2005 to 2014, MWRRA

Water Sector Regulations in Maharashtra – Challenges Ahead Preparation of Integrated State Water Plan (ISWP), Conversion of existing Irrigation Development Corporations (IDC) in to River Basin Agencies (RBA), Increasing non-irrigation demands, Groundwater regulation, Adoption of drip/sprinkler system for perennial crops in command area, Controlling pollution of rivers/ waterbodies, Implementation of e-flows in rivers. MWRRA

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