Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities Regional Workshop Kitakyushu Initiative Seminar on Urban Air Quality Management, Bangkok, Thailand February, 2003.


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Presentation transcript:

Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities Regional Workshop Kitakyushu Initiative Seminar on Urban Air Quality Management, Bangkok, Thailand February, 2003 Building Effective Partnerships for Urban Air Quality Management in Asia

CAI-Asia Goals Sharing knowledge and experiences on air quality management Capacity building Improving policy and regulatory frameworks at the regional level Piloting projects to encourage innovation Assisting cities in implementing integrated air quality management systems Create an Air Quality Management Community in Asia “ Air pollution puts the lives of Millions at risk in Asian cities ” The Clean Air Initiative promotes and demonstrates innovative ways to improve the air quality of Asian Cities through sharing experiences and building partnerships

Progress to date Organization established February 2001 Currently about 70 organizational members and 600+ individual members CAI-Asia is now establishing focal points and local chapters in key countries and cities. Program merger with Air Pollution in the Mega-cities of Asia (APMA) project (supported by KEI, WHO, UNEP and SEI) Cooperation agreements with JARI, Kitakyushu Initiative, UNEP Brown Cloud Study “ CAI-Asia THE umbrella for air quality management in Asia ”

 Cities in Asia (19)  National government agencies (12)  NGOs and foundations (22)  Academic and research institutes (10)  Multi- and bi-lateral development agencies (3)  Private sector companies (7)  Cities with significant air quality problems and committed to address this problem  Cities or organizations that have implemented successful solutions and willing to share experiences with other cities  Cities and organizations willing to invest their own resources in air quality management activities  Development Agencies and Private Sector Companies contributing $ 15,000 - $ 50,000 per year Types of MembersMembership Criteria Interested to join CAI-Asia: Contact Glynda Bathan

Governance and Organizational Structure Structure Activities of CAI-Asia are governed by CAI- Asia Charter and its annual Business Plan which are discussed and approved at annual CAI-Asia General Assembly Coordinating and Executive Council, composed of CAI-Asia members, oversee the implementation of the Business Plan CAI-Asia Secretariat is hosted by ADB, World Bank and Pollution Control Department in Thailand

CAI-Asia Website Community building Disseminate information on air quality Major restructuring planned for 2003 Country specific data to be added in Webmasters: and

First portal on vehicle emission reduction in Asia and forms important contribution to CAI- Asia web site Contains both general information on strategies to reduce vehicle emissions and country specific data on management of vehicle emissions CAI-Asia Partner web site

Launch Date: January subscribers and growing CAI-Asia Discussion Listserv CAI-Asia Listserv is a discussion forum and bulletin board dedicated to air quality management in Asia and is open to all who want to discuss and share experiences on air quality management in Asia To join, send a blank to:

Training and Capacity Building CATNet-Asia Objectives : CATNet-Asia will assist training organizations in Asia to improve curriculum, training materials, and trainers on air quality management. Distance Learning Contact Paul Procee: Objectives: Modular training course for decision makers in Asia dealing with all aspects of Air Quality Management

Pilot Projects address significant problems faced by several of CAI-Asia members promote innovative approaches to air quality management implementation or research CAI-Asia technical supervision and active involvement of members in implementation address significant problems faced by several of CAI-Asia members promote innovative approaches to air quality management implementation or research CAI-Asia technical supervision and active involvement of members in implementation Health impact of air pollution in Asian Cities Vehicle emission factors Upgrading of diesel refineries to reduce sulfur Test protocol for fuel additives Regulatory framework for CNG usage in Asian countries Regulatory framework for CNG usage in Asian countries CriteriaExamples Modeling PM reduction through reduced sulfur in diesel Modeling PM reduction through reduced sulfur in diesel

Regional Policies CAI Asia supports the formulation of regional policies and standards aimed at improving air quality management and reduction of air pollution across Asia Benchmarking of Air Quality Management in Asian Cities (in cooperation with APMA project) Benchmarking of Air Quality Management in Asian Cities (in cooperation with APMA project) Strategic Framework for Air Quality Management in Asian Cities (in cooperation with APMA project) Strategic Framework for Air Quality Management in Asian Cities (in cooperation with APMA project) Adoption of harmonized emission standards across Asia for new vehicles and associated fuel standards to bring Asia in line with European standards by 2010 Bring ambient air quality standards in Asia in line with WHO guidelines and assess need for ambient PM standards for Asia

Rationale Coordination – Cooperation CAI-Asia – Kitakyushu Initiative Existence of more than one city network on air quality management in Asia creates confusion Duplication means waste of resources for network management, and supportive activities Synergy between different initiatives not fully exploited

Cooperation Air Pollution in Megacities of Asia (APMA) Project and CAI-Asia APMA project was launched in 2001 at same time as CAI-Asia with largely identical objectives Discussions were started to work together to avoid overlap and duplication In December 2002 agreement on Program merger was achieved whereby CAI-Asia takes lead role in establishment and maintenance of network and APMA in benchmarking of AQM and Strategic Framework for AQM, reflecting mutual strengths Mutual representation in management structures of CAI-Asia and APMA APMA and CAI-Asia will jointly organize BAQ 2003 in Seoul in December 2003

Cooperation CAI-Asia and IES program Integrated Environmental Strategy (IES) program is supported by US-EPA and provides assistance to cities to develop strategies to improve local air quality and reduce greenhouse gas emissions In Asia: Shanghai, Beijing, Manila, Seoul, Hyderabad Strong emphasis on scientific analysis of pollution and health data to determine potential impact of potential policy and technology measures CAI-Asia is interested in working with IES because it can help to improve quality of strategies

CAI-Asia views on networking of cities for better Air Quality Management in Asia Cities participating in a network need to be actively committed to better air quality management: inactive cities harm the reputation of the network Cities need to set up local network within their city, involving national government agencies, NGOs, Academe, private sector, development agencies Development agencies need to learn to share city networks, rather than try to own them Policy formulation in network cities requires better scientific foundation Risk: too much emphasis on workshops without attention for follow-up

Challenge AQM networks in Asia City AQM Strategies City AQM Strategies How to combine regional networking activities with providing effective networking support at city level ? Information Management Capacity Building Pilot Projects/ Studies Regional Policies/ Standards Long Term Perspective + Policy Integration Study Capacity Building Climate Policy Environmental Education CAI-Asia Kitakyushu Initiative

Joint approach to networking for AQM in Asia Networking CAI-Asia/APMA/ KI Benchmarking APMA/CAI-Asia Scientific Analysis IES/ CAI-Asia- PAPA City AQM Strategy Methodology Development Health and Economic Impact Assessment LTP Capacity Building Climate Change Strategic Framework Bench Marking Regional Policies Pilot Projects Information Management KI APMA BAQ 2003 CAI-Asia IES Information Management

Co-operation in practice: case of Manila Metro Manila Air Quality Sector Improvement Program Manila AQM Strategy for CAI Asia Clean Air Act Air Quality Action Plan IES Strategy For Manila WB Environmental Monitor 2002 on Air Quality Partnership for Clean Air (PCA) brings together stakeholders from national and local Government, NGOs, private sector and Development agencies to discuss AQM in Manila Partnership for Clean Air (PCA) is expected to Function as facilitator for local network under CAI-Asia Different strategies are not formulated in isolation but are directly related to each other and based on each other Advantages: (1) reduced costs in strategy formulation, (2) more consistency in strategies, and (3) better chances for successful implementation Gov. + ADB CAI- Asia WB IES

Recommendations for Cooperation KI and CAI-Asia Coordination in establishment and strengthening of city network for AQM in Asia at regional level (leading to joint network for AQM between CAI-Asia – APMA and KI) Strengthening of individual networks in cities that are part of regional network (leading to joint responsibility for mobilizing external assistance) Coordination in planning and implementation of supportive activities (policy level, studies, capacity building) (leading to joint projects) Coordination in information collection, analysis and dissemination (leading to joint web site for AQM)

For Further Information On CAI-Asia Contact Cornie Huizenga Glynda Bathan