This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. UNCHAIN Work Package 7 Dissemination S. Braunegg H. Schnitzer Graz University of Technology Institute for Process and Particle Technology
UNCHAIN – UNiversity CHAir on INnovation Goals UNCHAIN should function as a blue-print for similar activities for more universities and university co-operation in the MEDA regions UNCHAIN should be a guinea pig for a wider network of University Chairs of Innovation for UNIDO
UNCHAIN – UNiversity CHAir on INnovation Target groups a)University professors, researchers, administrators, students and graduates from the EU and MEDA countries (to support the university-industry cooperation and make it successful); b)Government officials mainly from both MEDA ministries of Higher Education and Industry to politically support this cooperation by different means (to support the implementation of the Technology Transfer Policy in the MEDA region and the EU MEDA university- industry strategy); c)Industry partners from the MEDA/EU countries to participate and collaborate with the universities to force the innovation culture inside the universities and financially support R&D activities; and d)public in the MEDA region to introduce the culture of innovation in the MEDA region.
UNCHAIN – UNiversity CHAir on INnovation Information channels Web-based dissemination Dissemination Events (Innovation Train): This train is an initiative that will be travelling between the four MEDA partners to disseminate the project outputs. Different target groups will be invited to attend (ministries, industry, other universities, donors, NGOs, etc.). Well known speakers will be invited to attract the audience. Students will be given chances to present successful stories. Publications: The support package will be developed for promoting the idea of the Innovation Char. The package includes different publications such as flayers, posters, booklets and video materials that illustrate the project success and results. Media in the MEDA region: The influence in the MEDA region of the UNDIO regional office, IMC and SEKEM will be used to involve the media in all the project events and meetings. Text and materials will be prepared and sent to the media to be published. Documentary Video Film: The consortium will document the best practices of the successful processes as video materials (e.g. successful student innovation MSc).
UNCHAIN – UNiversity CHAir on INnovation Acts so far Hans Schnitzer: Tempus day Graz (Jan. 2009) Emanuela Colombo, Fabio Inzoli, Ferruccio Miglietta Hani Sewilam, Hans Schnitzer, Marcel Crul, Tsukiji Masato, Evert Kok: UNIVERSITY CHAIR ON INNOVATION TO PROMOTE A CLOSER COOPERATION BETWEEN ACADEMIA AND INDUSTRY AND SUPPORT LOCAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE MEDA REGION, Spain 2009 Folders (Draft version for feed back)
UNCHAIN – UNiversity CHAir on INnovation Dissemination Routes Envisaged University Newsletters Scientific Journals UNIDO Networking activities International Conferences Business Journals More? …..
UNCHAIN – UNiversity CHAir on INnovation University Newsletter and Alumni Journals We ask you to Jointly publish in University newsletters Be present at University homepages Use student‘s information channels Use alumni organizations (contact to industry)
UNCHAIN – UNiversity CHAir on INnovation Scientific Journals We contacted the „Journal of Cleaner Production“; there is interest ???? Which sciences??? ???? Who knows editors,…???
UNCHAIN – UNiversity CHAir on INnovation Conferences Roundtables for Sustainable Consumption and Production: –European (Denmark, June 2009) –Asia-Pacific (Sri Lanka, June 2010) –African??? More???
UNCHAIN – UNiversity CHAir on INnovation UNIDO Cairo Mai 2009, invited at UNIDO / UNU Conference Technology Transfer Unit, Masato Tsukiji, Evert Kok National Cleaner Production Centres – program Heinz Leuenberger
UNCHAIN – UNiversity CHAir on INnovation Business How to contact businesses? Europe –Alumni Organisations –Ongoing University Co-operations MEDA Region –???? –…..
UNCHAIN – UNiversity CHAir on INnovation General Media You have to contact TUGraz will provide background information
UNCHAIN – UNiversity CHAir on INnovation Reporting form For the reports to TEMPUS we need a well structured form. TUGraz has provided an online-form with the necessary information
UNCHAIN – UNiversity CHAir on INnovation What more We need results and success stories to publish.