WELCOME WELCOME “ A Citizen’s Right to Convenience and Comfort”
Electronic Service Delivery Maturity Model on Schemes Benefits Forms Information Level 1 Applying online for Schemes Benefits Resources Referrals Interaction Level 2 Online process of Consultation Payments Receipts Grievances Transaction Level 3 of Agencies Processes Services Integration Level 4
ASO Office Bank pay-in-slips of remittances made at Bank at Ameerpet are submitted by FP Shop Dealer in the after-noon. FP Shop wise Ledger posting is done ensuring the RO quantity does not exceed the allotted quantity. ROs are prepared and sent to the MLS point next morning thru a representative of the FP shop dealers. RO issued statement against pay-in-slip is prepared for sending the same to DM/CSC. Payment by FP Shop dealer at any eSeva Center. Option of Payment using Credit Card available. System automatically ensure issue of ROs within allotment. ROs are generated in triplicate and issued immediately and update the allotment. FP shop wise percentage off-take available to ASO/DM/CRO/MD/CCS on the internet. Presentsystem Present system Proposed system at eSeva
Present system MLS Point Stock receipt from FCI is maintained in the Receipt Register. Stock issued against the ROs to FP Shop dealers is maintained in the Issue register. Total transactions of the opening balance,receipts,issues and closing balance are reflected in the stock register. Daily stock statement is prepared by godown in-charge showing lorry wise receipt, FP shop wise issues, Day wise issues and cumulative issues of day wise transactions. Copies are sent to DM, ASO and CRO next day morning first hour. Details of receipts from the FCI and also updations of issues(sales) can be entered daily at any eSeva to generate the following. -Issue register -Receipt register -Stock Register -Daily receipts/issues/CB stock statement. The attender may go to any eSeva Center and get the info updated and take the 3 printouts viz. Issue register, Receipt Register and Stock Register. This enables any Official to get the info available on the fly.
Present system DM Office Consolidation of receipts,issues and closing balance, scheme wise/circle wise of all commodities and to prepare District stock statement of the previous day and sent to the H.O on the current day. Daily statements help the DM to plan for the stock movement from FCI to Godowns. Preparing statement of Percentage lifting from FCI. Preparing statement of percentage of off- take by the FP Shop dealer/circle wise. Updation of DD’s online system (Remittances made by FP shop dealers weekly). Consolidation on the fly, hence the info is available to all officials. Daily statements help the DM to plan for the stock movement from FCI to Godowns more efficiently. Preparing statement of Percentage lifting from FCI on the fly. Preparing statement of percentage of off- take by the FP Shop dealer/circle wise on the fly.
Advantages of the proposed system thru eSeva/ Information about the availability/non availability of commodities at FP Shop can be given not only to the officials but also to the citizens. Payment of amount by FP Shop dealer at any eSeva Center. ASO can get the Daily Comulative and Balance leftover stocks FP Shop dealer-wise. Non performing FP Shop Dealers report can be generated Offtake Register – Inspectors can visit the FP Shops with the information of stocks lifted and can also update against the CB of the FP Shop to generate the Offtake register for use of officials.
Services identified for CSC Payment of FP shop dealers at eSeva Updation of Issues(sales) – Issue Register – MLS Point Updation of Receipts(Truck Sheet) – Receipt Register – MLS Point Offtake register
Road Ahead
Single point of Contact from Dept. Pilot for Circle VII FP Shop Dealers Web interface for citizens
? Questions Questions
THANK YOU Niranjanlal Dy. Director(Projects), EDS (eSeva)