OPEN DAYS 2009: PARTNERSHIP PRINCIPLE – AND PRACTICE? The Competence Centre of the Economic and Social Partners in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany: Background, Structure and Function. Brussels,
- Regulation 1083/2006, Article 11: Each Member State shall organise … a partnership with … (b) the economic and social partners; (c) any other appropriate body representing civil society, environmental partners, NGOs and bodies responsible for promoting equality between men and women. - Regulation ESF 1081/2006, Article 5: The managing authority … shall encourage adequate participation of the social partners (...). Under the Convergence objective, an appropriate amount of ESF resources shall be allocated to capacity-building, which shall include training, networking measures, strengthening the social dialogue and activities jointly undertaken by the social partners…. - OP ESF of Saxony-Anhalt, Chapter 9.4: A professional co-operation with the economic and social partners is regarded as important by the federal state government as well. With the constructive co-operation during the programming phase in mind, the involvement of the social partners shall be continued in the implementation of the programme. Competence Centre of the E&S-Partners: Background and Basic Principles
Permanent Members of the Advisory Board of the Competence Centre in Saxony-Anhalt: Economic Partners: Association of Towns and Municipalities Chamber of Commerce and Industry Chamber of Skilled Crafts and Small Businesses Confederation of Economic and Trading Associations General Employer‘s Association of the Economy League of Non-statutory Welfare Associations Social Partners: Confederation of German Trade Unions (= Lead Partner) Industrial Union of Building and Agriculture League for the Environment and Nature Conservation Rural Women‘s Association of Saxony-Anhalt Women‘s Council of Saxony-Anhalt Each Group has 4 Votes Functional and Governmental Administration EU-Managing Authority Saxony- Anhalt CC with 2 assistents: → Search for the E&C-Partners → Processing of Enquiries → Distribution of Information among all Parties Competence Centre of the E&S-Partners: Structure and Function
Competence Centre of the E&S-Partners: Objectives and Duties Preparation of documents and papers of the Local Committee of the Structural Funds for the E&S-Partners Expert advise relating to monitoring and evaluation Acitivities for the improvement of background knowledge and providing of information about the structural funds and the cross sectional objectives Development and discussion of strategies concerning equal opportunities, sustainability, growth, employment, education and integration Consulting service for the partners and associated organisations for the Develepoment, Preparation and Realisation of ESF-Projects
Competence Centre of the E&S-Partners: Selected Activities 1.Information: Discussion fora with experts and representatives of the functional and governmental administration: e.g. Poverty and Exclusion, Sustainability, De- Minimis Rules, Civil Labour Market Programme. Workshops and education events for Partner-Organisations about problems, policies and strategies as well as aid programmes and directives in Saxony- Anhalt. 2. Support and Legwork: Summaries of documents and reports: e.g. annual reports for ERDF and ESF, monitoring tables of the EU-Managing Authority. Preparation of petitions and statements for E&S-Partners. Assistance with preparation and application of E&S-Partner-Projects. 3. Public Relations for E&S-Partners: Quarterly newsletters, Homepage.
Competence Centre of the E&S-Partners: Problems, Criticism and Prospects 1.Diversity of Interests among the E&C-Partners: Varying and conflicting interests (e.g. Economy vs. Employees vs. Environment). Partial interests and objectives sometimes insufficiently respected and handled. Especially emphasising of the cross sectional objectives (equality, sustainability) often provokes to opposition. 2. Imperative of neutrality: CC is not allowed to promote interests of individual partners. But: consulting and expert advise are not always neutral and uninterested. → neutrality of the CC is not always guaranteed. 3. Networking and co-operation still improveable: Co-operation is rather carried out sporadically and often depends on topics. Some E&C-Partners show little engagement and interest in particular issues and discussions. Arrangements are not always reliable.
Competence Centre of the E&S-Partners: Contact and Further Information Inken Giza / Christian Koll Otto-von-Guericke-Str. 06 D Magdeburg Germany Phone: Fax: Web: