Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/18/20151 Marine Management Organisation If you care about our seas… Marine Management.


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Presentation transcript:

Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/18/20151 Marine Management Organisation If you care about our seas… Marine Management Organisation

Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/18/20152 Marine Management Organisation If you care about our seas… Government’s vision for the MMO “Our vision for this new organisation is of a professional and proactive marine manager, trusted by all stakeholders to make a unique contribution to the sustainable development of the marine area. It will make decisions on the majority of marine developments and, where it is not the decision making body, it will be a key advisor on marine issues, bringing consistency to the decision making process.” Huw Irranca-Davies

Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/18/20153 Marine Management Organisation If you care about our seas… The key benefits that the Marine Management Organisation is expected to deliver include: the reconciliation of conflicting demands on the marine environment; that the new marine environmental licensing regime that it will operate will show efficiencies compared with current arrangements, and that by bringing together delivery of a number of policy areas that are currently separate, new efficiencies, expertise and insight will be generated.

Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/18/20154 Marine Management Organisation If you care about our seas… Government Departments Secretaries of State CLG, DECC, DfT, MoD Defra MMO Sponsorship Group CLG, DECC, DfT, MoD, Defra MMO Sponsorship Team MMO stakeholder advisory group Audit and Risk Committee MMO Board Chief Executive MMO Directors MMO Internal Governance MMO science advisory group/ committee Governance

Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/18/20155 Marine Management Organisation Marine Scotland for devolved matters and executive devolution of new functions under the Bill (planning and nature conservation) MMO for non-devolved matters Marine Management Organisation (MMO): Delivering planning, licensing, fisheries management and enforcement functions Northern Ireland delivery mechanism (under development) Welsh Assembly Government and MMO for certain functions Maps not to scale Note: Northern Ireland and Welsh Assembly Government can ask MMO to undertake functions on their behalf Welsh Assembly Government for new fisheries zone and under executive devolution of planning in offshore area adjacent to Wales Where the MMO will operate

Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/18/20156 Marine Management Organisation If you care about our seas… The MMO is not the sole delivery body for government in the marine area. It will not: propose Marine Conservation Zones, as that is a role for Natural England and the Joint Nature Conservation Committee, but will input to the process; make decisions on oil and gas licensing, although marine plans will guide those decisions; licence energy installations greater than 100MW or major ports, where the IPC is the regulator. Although here too, the IPC’s decisions will refer to marine plans made by the MMO; deal with navigational safety of shipping or ship-to-ship transfers, which remain with the Maritime and Coastguard Agency; deal with, which protection of maritime heritage except insofar as that is taken into account in marine plans or affects decisions made by the MMO.

Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/18/20157 Marine Management Organisation If you care about our seas… Timetable and key milestones Dec 2008 Apr 2009 Jul 2009 Oct 2009 Dec 2009 Apr 2010 Queen’s Speech Royal Assent MMO Vested Chair Selected Chief Executive Selected Office opens at new location Ongoing work to develop MMO: Input to marine Policy Statement, Preparation for Marine Plans MCZ work

Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/18/20158 Marine Management Organisation If you care about our seas… What the MMO will do The MMO will also undertake enforcement activity across these functions The MMO’s main functions Emergencies Fisheries management Marine nature conservation Marine plans Marine Licensing

Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/18/20159 Marine Management Organisation If you care about our seas… Creating the MMO The MMO will be comprised of staff or resources drawn from the following areas: The Marine and Fisheries Agency (which has functions that will transfer to the MMO) and which is the Shadow Body for the MMO The Department for Transport (which has functions that will transfer to the MMO) The Department of Energy and Climate Change) (which has functions that will transfer to the MMO) New members of staff recruited to fill vacancies arising from the creation of the new functions that MMO will deliver.

Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/18/ Marine Management Organisation If you care about our seas… Enforcement - the MMO is the government’s principal marine enforcement body for English territorial waters and offshore marine areas. It will need to be a respected and proportionate enforcer, fully conversant with current best practice. Data and knowledge management – MMO will need to acquire and use data effectively to support its functions. Engagement – the MMO will need to be capable of engaging Government, industry, other delivery bodies, NGOs, pressure groups and individuals in the work that it does. Statistics - the MMO will need the statistical expertise to assess data related to its fisheries work and also ensure that its analysis of data for other areas similarly follows sound statistical practices. Science – the MMO will need to build the MFA’s reputation to develop an authoritative voice concerning the marine the environment. This will need to be founded on its expertise and effective use of evidence and analysis. Being recognized and being heard – like other important delivery bodies MMO will need to be a recognised brand, and it will need to manage its public voice so that it is respected and trusted for the expertise it offers. Some things that the MMO will need to be ‘good at’ Economics and social sciences - as a body charged with assessing all 3 pillars of sustainability, the MMO will need the right expertise to inform its work and the advice it gives to government.

MMO Operating Context

IT Finance (inc. procurement & service contract management) HR (inc. staff resource allocation & development) Legal & Estates Corporate Affairs & Communications MMO Board Science, evidence & technical support Marine planning Marine environmental licencing Fisheries management Operations (inc.. Transactional services and field support) Local Office Network GIS specialists Stats Economist Social scientist Heritage & conservation Monitoring &assessment scientist R&D Corporate support Functions Operations Key MMO Operating Model

Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/18/ Marine Management Organisation If you care about our seas… Although the MMO will work with a range of organisations, there are some significant working partnerships to be forged with: The Infrastructure Planning Commission - where MMO has a role as a statutory consultee advising on licence conditions for developments that have a marine element, and subsequently in enforcing those conditions Inshore Fishery and Conservation Authorities - where the MMO will both have a role in appointing members and itself have a place. It will also collaborate closely with IFCA s on enforcement Natural England – where MMO has a role in advising on the social and economic aspects of Marine Conservation Zone designation and post designation, in enforcement. The Environment Agency - The Environment Agency has sought that duties be placed on MMO and on IFCAs to deliver compliance with Water Framework Directive objectives. Maritime and Coastguard Agency – where MMO has an ongoing need for access to MCA data on vessels and will work with MCA on response to marine pollution as Defra’s lead organisation. Local Government – where the MMO will work closely with Local Authorities in their role in relation to IFCAs and on integrated coastal zone management through the marine planning process

Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/18/ Marine Management Organisation If you care about our seas… Organisations that the MMO will need to collaborate with - this may range from fulfilling substantive roles to exchange of data on issues of mutual interest Marine Planning Environmental licensing Fisheries management Enforcement Pollution Response Conservation Science Data R&D Services Key items - these are some of the key issue that the body concerned and the MMO will need to address together Welsh Assembly Government Boundary issues DoE NI Marine Scotland Boundary issues Department for Energy and Climate Change Carbon capture storage development Maritime and Coastguard Agency Pollution, shipping movements IFCAs Membership in and making appointments to Infrastructure Planning Commission Advice on conditions and enforcement of them Crown Estate Economic development of marine resources Admiralty Hydrographic Office Base reference data Natural England Advice on Marine Conservation Zones Environment Agency Water Framework Directive, fisheries Joint Nature Conservation Committee Data and information Natural Environment Research Council Marine Env. Data and Information Network Cefas Services, advice and research Local Government Integrated Coastal Zone Management English Heritage Planning, information on heritage issues Food Standards Agency Closure of fisheries in event of contamination

Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/18/ Marine Management Organisation If you care about our seas… FunctionDataInstances New licensing regimeBaseline, Impact, Sensitivity, Monitoring, Use Construction, dredging, Round 3 Marine PlanningBaseline, Monitoring, Sensitivity, Impact, Social, Economic, Use Round 3, MCZ and marine planning FisheriesActivity, Stocks, Landings, Restrictions +live data Stock and quota management Nature ConservationDistribution, Social, Economic, Use, Sensitivity MCZ, Enforcement, Wildlife Licensing EmergenciesBaseline, Sensitivity, + live data Licensing dispersants and their use EnforcementRestrictions + live data

Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/18/ Marine Management Organisation If you care about our seas… MMO – Marine Plan Cycle

Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/18/ Marine Management Organisation If you care about our seas… The MMO and Data: MMO will join the existing community of data generators and consumers – but balance towards latter MCA Bill RIA talks of MMO making high quality data available MEDIN will be important for the MMO Likely to be specialist staff in MMO Sergio Vettesse MFA’s IT/ Data Management Director – data management plan, build on Reading workshop: accessing/ visualising/ accessing/ management/ specialist roles + look at GIS architectures for MMO

Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/18/ Marine Management Organisation If you care about our seas…