Teachers love to ask questions! We especially love it when you write a few sentences or a short paragraph that explains your understanding! Today, we will learn an easy way to do a great job at answering tough questions!
Let’s learn and practice how to use the R.A.P.P. method to answer those tough questions! We’ll use super easy questions, so that you can practice the skills you’ll need.
dentify the verb estate the question nswer the question rove it roofread and edit Let’s break this down!
Predict means “What will happen next?” Describe means “Tell all about” Support mweans “Back up with details”
estate the question When you restate the question, you are using words from the question to form your answer. Do you see how I used words from the question? Let’s try some more!
You can restate the question in the beginning or end of the answer.
Time for you to try restating the question.
nswer the question When you answer the question, there are many things to consider.
First, I will need to understand the question. I know that supplies are items that are necessary to do the job. Next, I need to make sure that I am answering the question. I know flossing is important too, but this question is asking me about brushing. Finally, I will make sure this answer is clear and easy to understand. A good answer takes time, and is never rushed!
First, do you understand the question? Next, did you notice that there are many answers to this question? Finally, did you make your answer clear and easy to understand? A good answer takes time, and is never rushed!
rove it! When you prove your answer, you need to find support from the text (story) to help back your answer up. Okay… time to see what this looks like.
Time to try your hand at “PROVING” your answer!
roofread When you proofread, you are checking your answer to make sure it makes sense, and doesn’t have spelling or grammar errors. Okay… time to see what this looks like.
Oh no! This won’t do! There are many mistakes in the response! When you proofread, you need to check your response for mistakes! See if you and your class can fix the mistakes in this response!
I’ll give you some more responses to practice proofreading! This is one of the most important parts of R.A.P.P., because if your answer has a bunch of mistakes, then it will get marked down!
Oh no! This won’t do! There are many mistakes in the response! Oh no! Lots of mistakes! Fix them with proofreading!
Alright! One more response to tackle. See if you can find all the errors.
dentify the verb estate the question nswer the question rove it roofread and edit Think you’ve got it? Keep practicing!