4 th and 5 th Hours-- MONDAY DECEMBER 2, 2013 CO: SWD understanding of comma rules by expressing answers. LO: SW write a quick response including appropriate commas. 8 minutes--Bell Work: Look at your grade sheet. Complete the following sentences on your bell work paper. My current grade is __________. This is my grade because __________________________. I can do __________ to improve my grade.
4 th and 5 th Hours-- MONDAY DECEMBER 2, 2013 CO: SWD understanding of comma rules by expressing answers. LO: SW write a quick response including appropriate commas. [5 minutes] ACT Grammar—HOW TO USE A COMMA Read handout silently and place it in the writing resources section of your binder Draw a star next to rules that you do not understand/did not realize were rules [10 minutes] ACT Grammar---SHOW THAT YOU KNOW Complete next handout to show that you know how to use commas Check work as a class. Each person will read the sentence and share the letter of the correct answer. The teacher and class will correct any response that needs to be changed.
4 th and 5 th Hours--MONDAY DECEMBER 2, 2013 CO: SWD understanding of comma rules by expressing answers. LO: SW write a quick response including appropriate commas. [ 12 minutes] Quick Write---Relationships Use the sentence below as your first sentence. Add to the story focusing on idea development. Look at the rubric for IDEAS if you need a refresher on what they are (in the writing resources section). Remember: quick write time is silent writing, no distractions, no stopping, no “I’m done,” you keep your pen/pencil on the paper until the timer goes off, if you can’t think, write: “I don’t know what to say…” Over Thanksgiving break, I logged on to Facebook and realized that I was very close to having 700 online “friends.”
6 th HOUR--MONDAY DECEMBER 2, 2013 CO: SWD LO: SW [5 minutes] Bell Work Write the letter answer on your bell work paper. Choose the best revision for the underlined portion. 1. The potter took the assorted greenware down to the kiln, it is a brick structure designed to bake pottery to a hardness that drying alone cannot produce. A. NO CHANGEB. the brick structure isC. a brick structureD. brick 2. The magician, for one of his many tricks, mysteriously pulled a rabbit from his hat. F. NO CHANGEG. with great mystery from his hat pulled a rabbit H. pulled from mysteriously his hat a rabbitJ. mysterious from his hat pulled a rabbit 3. The paddler pulls one end through the water of the paddle on alternating sides of the boat. The best placement for the underlined portion would be: A. where it is nowB. after the word paddlerC. after the word pullsD. after the word paddle
6 th HOUR- -MONDAY DECEMBER 2, 2013 CO: SWD LO: SW [ 25 minutes] Circle Map---Transcendentalism Guiding question: What do you know about transcendentalism? Frame of reference: Where are you getting your information? FIRST—draw map, frame, and guiding question on printer paper. SECOND-write down IN the circle anything you think you know about transcendentalism. THIRD- read the article handed out. FOURTH- add information that you NOW know about transcendentalism. Cross out any information that you wrote before that is WRONG.
6 th HOUR- -MONDAY DECEMBER 2, 2013 CO: SWD LO: SW [ 15 minutes] Quick Write—Transcendentalism—Respond to questions below: FIRST, turn your circle map paper over and write on the back. How are you affected by nature? Do you find comfort in it? Do you reflect the moods of nature? What is the role of nature in your life? What is meant by an individual's spiritual side? How to you define it? Is there a connection between the individual's spirit and nature? If so, what is that connection? What does it mean to know something intuitively? For example, has a parent or a sibling ever known something was wrong with you without having talked with or seen you? What do we mean when we say "I just know it"? How do you demonstrate that you are an individual? Do you think independently of others or do you follow the crowd?