The Diet Devil is that inner voice that says “YOU CAN’T!” It’s the image of chocolate bars that haunt you. It’s the voice that says you’re not losing weight as quickly as your friend. It is the voice that says you can never have a perfect body. In order to conquer the Diet Devil, you’ll need an arsenal of defense starting with a “WHY?”. Personal “Why” > Temptation defeats the Diet Deveil FIRST You Need A “Why” SECOND You Need A “Why” PLEASURABLEPAINFUL Once you discover your why, the how takes care of itself. You’ll need to identify your why to avoid the Diet Devil and his tricks. A Calorie Is __________________________ When We Consume Foods, They Break Down Into Four Macronutrients: ENERGY 1._____________ 2._____________ 3._____________ 4._____________ PROTEIN CARBOHYDRATES FAT WATER 4 Cal./Gram 9 Cal. /Gram A Calorie Is __________________________ When We Consume Foods, They Break Down Into Four Macronutrients: ENERGY PROTEIN- the most essential macronutrient, it is the building block of muscle. CARBOHYDRATES- the body’s preferred energy source and are essential to good health. FAT- is also a preferred energy source of the body. It is important to know the difference between the harmful and “less” harmful fats. WATER- this is foundational to weight loss as it is the oil of body. It gets the digestive system moving and the waste going out so the weight comes off. Three Things Happen When The Fat Bus Is Dispatched… INCREASE IN APPETITE S TORES FAT S TOPS EFFICIENT FAT BURNING FOR UP TO 48 HRS 600 CALORIES 600 CALORIES Burns more calories even while at rest CALORIES Damages the heart and cardiovascular system There are foundational food categories. Once you learn these categories and how to combine them, you’ll be seeing results while mastering the system. Now that we have talked about the macronutrients, we need to categorize foods. Once a food is categorized then the foods within a given category and there are exceptions to all of our rules, but very few. Stick to the categorgies and rules in the Fast Start class and you will be successful beyond your wildest dreams.
Category I is 10% Calories From Fat Category I: __________________ Protein Breaks Down Into Amino Acids & Has 4 Calories Per Gram Egg Whites Low Fat Cottage Cheese Chicken and Turkey Breast 99% FF Turkey Franks 99% FF Ground Turkey/Chicken Deer (Unprocessed) Flounder, Cod Haddock, Sea Bass Grouper, Red Snapper Other White Fish Tuna in Water Tofu in Water LEAN PROTEIN Protein Breaks Down Into Amino Acids & Has 4 Calories Per Gram
Category IV is 50% Calories From Fat Category IV: _____________________ PROTEIN + FAT Fat Breaks Down Into Fat Lipids & Has 9 Calories Per Gram New York Strip Filet Mignon 96% Lean Ground Beef FF Beef Hot Dogs 97% Ground Turkey/Chicken Pork Loin, Lean Pork Wild Game in General Lean Ham Whole Eggs Catfish Scallops, Shrimp Lobster, Crab Shark, Salmon
4 calories per gram Sugar Chips Cokes White Bread White Pasta White Rice Poison: Anytime you eat one of these, the fat bus is dispatched! SIMPLE CARBS (Fast Fat Bus)
Category III: Complex Carbohydrates Potatoes Corn Black-eyed Peas Navy Beans Limas Peas Turnips Sweet Potatoes Whole Wheat Bread Whole Wheat Pasta Genisoy Soy Chips Long Grain Brown Rice Oatmeal, Grits Green Peas COMPLEX CARBS (Slow Fat Bus) 4 calories per gram
Category II: 4 calories per gram Broccoli, Asparagus Green Beans, Okra Spinach, Greens Bell, Squash Peppers, Celery Beets, Mushrooms Cauliflower Snap Peas (in pod) Brussels Sprouts Cucumber Catabolic FIBROUS CARBS (Brakes on the Bus) Nature’s Own DFWB Tortillas 110 Cal. 1g Fiber Per 10 Cals.
Category V: Fruit How Much Do I Eat? CUSTOMIZED Berries, Apples, Oranges & Grapefruit With I & II Variety With I & II Variety, Snacks & Freebies. But Be Cautious of Bananas, Peaches & Pineapples Weight Loss LifestyleLater It Is Not a Diet, It is a Lifestyle.
These foods contain all of t he macronutrients. Pintos Black Beans Red Beans Garbanzo Beans Soy Beans Peanut Butter Nuts Thrive! Cereal Kashi Go Lean with ½ Cup Skim Milk Must Be Eaten by Themselves or With Category II: Fibrous Carbs *
On the go and don’t have the time to sit down and cook a delicious meal? Meal Replacement offer the perfect solution to your problem. Meal Bars Protein Powders Ready to Drink Shakes
Glenny’s Brownies THRIVE Ice Cream THRIVE Jerky Tri-o-Plex Cookies Snack Bars Soy Chips Crunch O’s Double Bites THRIVE Wafers Oh Yeah Shakes THRIVE Chocolate Fudge Cake Apple Custard Crunch Soups Vegetarian Sloppy Joe Mac and Cheese Helpful Combinations: ½ PB & J ½ of Any Meal =a snack
Freebies Are Typically Zero Calorie Items Category II Veggies Sugar Free Jell-O 1 Tps LITE Cool Whip Dill Pickles Celsius Bran Crisp Bread Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar Sugar Free Popsicles Lemon Juice Lime Juice Skinny Dippers Walden Farms Cal. Free
In Our Program, Condiments Include Anything That You Would Use Sparingly For Flavor. Remember To Use No More Than 50 Calories Per Meal!
The Daily Timing Guidelines: 1. _______________________________________ 2. _______________________________________ 3. _______________________________________ 4. _______________________________________ Men Can Have ________________________ Plus Freebies Women Can Have _____________________ Plus Freebies EAT WITHIN ONE HOUR OF RISING WAIT 3-4 HRS BUT NO MORE THAN 6 UNTIL NEXT MEAL USE SNACKS & FREEBIES TO BRIDGE TIME GAPS 3 Meals & Up To 2 Snacks 3 Meals & 1 Snack *Go To Bed On An Empty Stomach – Wait 3 Hours After Last Meal *Get In Late: Cat. I or I & II
You Get 100 Blow-It Days A Year! There Are Two Types of Days: Perfect Days Blow-It Days Do It Right OR Wrong – There’s No In-Between
Option 1: Hand Rule “Delay Your Gratification ” Option 2: 6-8 inch plate
Cat I : Lean Protein + Cat II: Fibrous Carbs Cat IV: Protein+Fat + Cat II: Fibrous Carbs Cat I: Lean Prontein + Cat II: Fibrous Carb + Cat V: Fruit MEAL REPLACEMENTS SUPERFOOD + Cat II : Firbous Carbs Cat I: Lean Protein Cat I: Lean Protein + Cat. II Fibrous Carbs + Cat III Complex Carbs SUPERFOOD Cat I: Lean Protein + Cat II: Fibrous Carbs + TCO BEST WEIGHT LOSS COMBOS “Stay Off The Bus”
Begin With The End In Mind