National Consultation on Community Action for Health (CAH) 28 th – 29 th October 2014
Back Ground Assam was one of the 9 states selected for implementation of the pilot phase of Community Based Monitoring (CBM) in CBM was implemented in 3 pilot districts Kamrup Rural, Chirang and Dhemaji An NGO, VHAA was engaged as state nodal agency with district and block NGO to support the implementation. State and District Monitoring Group was constituted at Sate and district level for proper programme monitoring and implementation under chairmanship of Jt. DHS
Scaling up CBM Scaling up of CBM No of districts covered No of Blocks Covered No of VHSNCs covered Pilot phase ( ) nd phase ( ) rd phase (14-15)
Some of the Key issues flagged during JANSUNWAI & Action Taken Un availability of Doctors in health facility Un availability of Drugs in health facilities Behavior of Health providers Unstructured health facilities Jt. DHS ensured in coordination with nodal agency that the grievances got addressed within 15 days of the JANSUNWAI Liaising with other departments at block/district/state level is ensured in time bound manner by the Nodal officers 104 Medical Help Line
Key Challenges and opportunity Key ChallengesOpportunities Un availability of skilled, technical and professional staff at local level Development of health Cadre through RHP programme. Pool of Block Community Mobilizes ( BCM) & Technical support from RRC- NE to develop support system for the CBM. Capacitated state and district level NGOs Convergence with other departments Ensured membership from other line department in the CBM committees. It is taken as standalone programme driven by NGO Training of Health Officials, proper IEC,BCC activities. Planned for review meeting at the state and zonal level with implementing NGOs and the government officials. Capacity building of PRI/ VHSNC members/ Zonal NGO Planned VHSNCs trainings this financial year. Capacity building of implementation partners is planned under CBM. 104 Health help line, which also function as ASHA help line
Way Forward Completing NGO selection process. Identify the CBM scale up area in new blocks. Build capacities of the implementing partners and the VHSNCs in CBM. For this we will require technical support from GOI/ Nodal agencies.
Thank You