305 Service Unit Encampment Coordinator Part A. Welcome to 305 Service Unit Encampment Coordinator Training Your trainers are: –Name –Email –Name –Email.


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Presentation transcript:

305 Service Unit Encampment Coordinator Part A

Welcome to 305 Service Unit Encampment Coordinator Training Your trainers are: –Name – –Name –

Introductions Prior encampment attendance 200 trained Camping experience Prior encampment staff Working with experienced coordinator Size of service unit Target date for encampment

Administrative Bathroom location Breaks Smoking Turn cell phone to vibrate Evaluations

Course Objectives Listed on page 4 of Handout Health & Safety Procedures Leadership & Planning use of Girl Ownership Site Food & Cooking Equipment

What is Encampment and why have one?

The Five W’s

Who Can Attend? Who is encampment for? –Daisy Girl Scouts –Brownie Girl Scouts –Junior Girl Scouts –Teen Girl Scouts Other Attendees? –Adults beyond Girl/Adult Ratio? –Siblings

Teen Girl Scouts Ask them what they want Don’t assume they want to work It’s OK to plan special activities just for them – they’ve earned it Keep it fun for them … be flexible … adapt Know their IPP and recognition requirements

Siblings – Other Adults Consider: –Service Unit size –Site capacity –Purpose of the event –Role of adults at event/Ratios –Sleeping Arrangements –Cost If yes: –At beginning decide how many and how to choose –Publish information to all –Buy extra insurance from GSCNC through HR Department Do siblings, children of leaders and non-registered girls go on this encampment?

Men at Encampment Men are welcome as part leadership team Men do not sleep in same room/tent/shelter with girls Assign Men Only bathroom/latrine Teach the girls to respect his privacy

What Will We Do?

Where Will It Be? GSCNC Non-GSCNC Site How far is everyone willing to travel?

Where To Go Consider –Size of SU Participants –Capacity of Site –Cost of Site Rental –Facilities – cabins; lodges; tents; primitive –Activities – available and planned –Distance/Transportation

When Will It Be? Need at least 6 months to plan Watch for bad times of year –Soccer playoffs –Cookie Booth sales dates –Mother’s Day –Homecoming –Religious observances

Survey – Get a picture of what your Service Unit wants

Avoid Burnout – Don’t Do It All Yourself!

Encampment Committee SUM appoints Encampment Coordinator Encampment Coordinator appoints Committee Use appointment letters

Suggested Encampment Committees Health and Safety Coordinator Secretary Registrar Money Manager Transportation Coordinator First Aiders Co-Coordinator Food Coordinator Program Coordinator Site Coordinator Camp Qualified Consultant

Building your Encampment Team Job Descriptions –Written –Given out early –Clear as to what’s expected – Duties and $$$ Appointment Letters

Establish Committee Answer –Who –What –Where –When –Why Outbrief Group Planning

Developing Communications With whom do you communicate? What needs to be communicated? Same for everyone? How often do you communicate? How will it happen?

Marketing the Event Early announcement –Allows troops to plan –Allows parents to “hold the date” Get troops excited Obtain deposits commit to help


Requested a GSCNC Site Page 15 – Handout Encampment dates are posted twice a year Request must be made 6 months in advance Complete Application for SU Encampment for Council Campsite and submit Placement System

Requesting a Site – GSCNC

Requesting a GSCNC Site

Requesting a Site – non GSCNC

Decide on Site Review survey Group decide on GSCNC site or non- GSCNC site and fill out form.

Site Visit Who should go? When should you go? What do you look for?

Establish a Timeline Planning begins at least 6 months in advance Checklist in Handbook

Themes and Program Themes are usual – but not required Can provide program idea Don’t overtax the girls and adults Plan for rain Follow theme through –Marketing –Signs –Swaps –Patches

Planning the Itinerary Write it down Break it into 30 minute increments “Walk” it through – adjust it “walk” it through again Plan you and your staffs’ free time Schedule first aider relief Schedule time to move between activities

Group Planning Develop Theme Identify Program –How full will the days be –What types of activities –Will they related to badges –Who will run the programs –Do you need consultants –Will you have patches –Will you have T-shirts –Will girls make swaps Outbrief

Questions See you next week Same bat time - Same bat station

305 Service Unit Encampment Coordinator Part B

Health and Safety Establish Health and Safety Plan Level II First Aider Ensure Everyone Understands Plan

Logistics and Transportation Equipment Requirement Where Will It Come From How Will It Get There How Will Participants Get There

Transportation Don’t forget: –Directions – try them out yourself! (Maps and directions for all) –Remind drivers of toll roads and amounts –Parking restrictions at site –Decide who will pay for parking fines in state – parks

Cooking What are the options?

Cooking Options –Central Kitchen –Delivered –Bag Meals –Catered –Mix and Match Who Makes Decision on Options

Food Storage Large Freezer Shelves Icemaker No glass –Repack it in Plastic Electricity? –for the never ending coffee pot Storage while cooking –Counter space Plan for trash disposal Coolers needed at site? Cleanup after meals Packout trash at end Leave kitchen spotless and empty

Budget Site Transportation Food Program First Aide Supplies Miscellaneous Don’t forget about Program Grants/Loans

Tracking Costs What’s Included? How Much Is Too Much? Who Keeps the Money? Who Gets the Reports?

Encampment Schedule Itinerary What Will Require Time?

What Will Require Time Arrival at site Parking Check-in Settling-in Unloading and storage of program material Leader meetings Emergency practices Flag ceremony Meals Kapers Program Troop time or breaks Campfire Scouts Own Time for troops to leave

Group Planning How will everyone get there? Cooking Develop budget Develop Itinerary Outbrief

Putting It All Together Service Unit Evaluation Service Unit Event Report Lessons learned Share tips for good encampments What to do to when things go wrong Plan for the Worst – Hope for the Best

Closing Questions Scouts Own Have a Great Encampment!