18-1 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Particles and Fields Package Pre-Environmental Review May 22 -23, 2012 18 - Package Dave Curtis, PFP Package Manager Mars.


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Presentation transcript:

18-1 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Particles and Fields Package Pre-Environmental Review May , Package Dave Curtis, PFP Package Manager Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN (MAVEN) Mission

18-2 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 EM Package Level Integration The EM package was integrated successfully in March- May 2011 –All EM instruments successfully integrated with the EM PFDPU –Build 1 operational software verified hardware functionality, compatibility –26 EM anomalies discovered in various levels of test, all closed.

18-3 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 EM Anomalies [1]

18-4 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 EM Anomalies [2]

18-5 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 EM PFP I&T

18-6 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 FM Package Level Integration FM Package integration is just starting –125 Clean Room facility –DCB, REG1, IIB, MAG, LPW delivered so far –SEP, SWEA, SWIA, STATIC integrated sequentially over the next 6 weeks –Operational Flight Software Build 2 will be used Ready, but has an anomaly for SEP which is being worked –FM instruments have been or will have complete instrument CPT prior to package integration STATIC has not yet completed CPT SWEA CPT done except spacecraft heater/thermistor

18-7 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Package Testing Starts with Initial Integration of each Instrument –Safe to Mate –Initial Power Turn-On –Inrush measurement Then a CPT for each instrument –Based on instrument CPT, modified for package-level (FSW interaction) –Biggest difference is the telemetry formats; PFDPU significantly reduces the data volume to meet the allocation; new GSE displays for the new formats –Also run the shorter LPT, subset of CPT Then a Self Compatibility Test –Verifies all the instruments work together and PFDPU can handle the load –Includes ‘day in the life’ test Flight Software Tests –One-time test to verify software functionality on the flight hardware Software previously verified by simulation, in the DVF, and on the EM –Excludes things covered by CPT –Excludes tests that cannot be safely run on the bench for FM, such as HV

18-8 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Package Configuration IRAP

18-9 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Package Integration GSE All GSE is ready to support Commands and telemetry will use the spacecraft simulator hardware and the GSEOS system –Plus ‘near real time’ science data analysis software Bench power supply and switch box used to provide primary power to PFDPU MAG Heater GSE simulates spacecraft, monitors MAG heaters Instrument heater/temp sensor/actuator GSE simulates spacecraft, monitors instruments temperatures MAG shield can used for MAG functional –Provides low field environment Radiation source used for SEP functional –Am241, 1mCi, ‘hand held’, will not go to KSC LPW stimulus rack used for LPW functional SWEA/SWIA/STATIC use internal test pulsers –no external stimulus

18-10 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Package Testing, continued After package I&T, will perform power system test with ‘suitcase’ spacecraft power simulation provided by LM –Verify turn-on, inrush, full power capability Prior to proceeding to Environmental tests, all PFRs will be reviewed with Project to ensure adequate closure Following that the package goes to EMC test (as a package) Then the individual components go to environmental tests (and deferred / final calibrations) The package is re-integrated for a final CPT prior to delivery to ATLO

18-11 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Open Items (before environments) STATIC instrument assembly, CPT, Preliminary Calibration SEP, SWEA, SWIA final preparations for package I&T –Conformal coat, final tests FM REG test Package I&T completion Deferred calibrations (after EMC) –STATIC, SWIA, SEP

18-12 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Schedule Summary, PER to Delivery

18-13 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 I&T Roles & Responsibilities Instrument Leads are responsible for organizing instrument testing System Engineer responsible for Package testing (including EMC) Support: –Mechanical: Paul Turin plus instrument mechanical leads –Electrical: Subsystem leads –Flight Software: Peter Harvey –Thermal, Thermal Vac: Millan Diaz-Aguado –GSE, ITF: Tim Quinn –Test Conductor: Tony Mercer –Magnetics: Michael Ludlam –Contamination / Planetary protection: Jeremy McCauley –Lab Facilities Support: Steve Marker –QA, Safety: Jorg Fischer, Chris Scholz, William Whitehead (GSFC) –Operations: David Mitchell

18-14 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Shipping Plans Shipping & Handling Plan –MAVEN_PF_SYS_040 CDRL, delivered, approved PFP components are small enough for hand-carry –Purchased airline carry-on sized containers –Fitted with shock mounts, environmental monitors Dry run planned in near future –Instruments bagged in ESD material –Instruments shall be off purge for <8 hours. Bags back-filled with dry Nitrogen –Each container to be hand-carried by a team member to ATLO –TSA contacted to aid in getting through airport security NASA letter to be provided Worked well with recent shipment of LPW whips to/from Sweden Most GSE to be shipped FedEx in advance

18-15 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 PFP Shipping Containers All PFP instruments hand-carried by air Instruments bagged, purged, and shock-mounted in Pelican cases Shock, temperature, pressure, and humidity logged throughout shipment Isolator design: 30” drop to concrete less than limit load Cable shock isolators Data logger Isolated mounting plate

18-16 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Post Delivery Support PFP ATLO team consists of: –Dave Curtis, Systems, Package Manager –William Thompson (LASP), Systems, LPW/EUV, Local –Tony Mercer, Test Conductor –Paul Turin and Instrument Mechanical leads for mechanical operations –Dorothy Gordon, PFDPU lead, for electrical integration –Millan Diaz-Aguado, Thermal (esp. Thermal Vac) –Tim Quinn, GSE –Jorg Fischer, Chris Scholz, QA –Instrument leads will support critical testing William Thompson is local and can be on the spot on short notice; the rest of the team will be available as needed –Will will be trained to operate the package during tests at Berkeley and EMC Telemetry data will be available in real time at Berkeley, reducing the need for large numbers of team members at ATLO –PFP GSE supports this; test pending Critical tests (CPT, EMC, Thermal Vac) will have extra team support

18-17 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 ATLO GSE Both MSA and SOC can display PFP housekeeping GSEOS computer will be at LM for local display of data Telemetry also available remotely in near real time for extended team support On-the-floor GSE includes (per ICD): –LPW stimulus rack –SEP radiation source –EUV lamp –EUV hall effect sensor –MAG shield cans, test harness –MAG test magnetometers (for compatibility test, swing test) –Actuator reset tool, SEP flexure clamps, SEP handle –Red-tag covers, LPW deployment restraining pins

18-18 MAVEN IPER May 22-23, 2012 Post Spacecraft Environment Test SWEA, SWIA, STATIC functionality cannot be assessed outside a calibration chamber –HV can’t be operated in air –Need electron/ion guns to verify detectors, electrostatic optics, foils There is a spot in the ATLO flow after environments for SWEA, SWIA, STATIC to be removed from the spacecraft and returned to SSL for test –Need a few weeks at SSL to run the three instruments through the calibration chambers. –A subset of the calibrations previously run –Use the same shipping arrangements used to get them to ATLO –Post-re-integration functional test This has been the baseline since the before PDR –Supported by LM ATLO planning