BepiColombo/MMO/PWI/SORBET PWI meeting - Kanazawa 24/03/2006M.Dekkali MMO PWI Meeting Kanazawa University 24 th March 2006
BepiColombo/MMO/PWI/SORBET PWI meeting - Kanazawa 24/03/2006M.Dekkali SORBET instrument overview
BepiColombo/MMO/PWI/SORBET PWI meeting - Kanazawa 24/03/2006M.Dekkali Analogue front end status Design of a simplified BBM including the main functionalities of the receiver –2 channels receiver using discrete and ASIC technology on the same PCB board –Technical evaluation of the both options (discrete and integrated) –Functional testing has been done and show the ASIC feasibility –Performances are better using the ASIC –The ASIC will greatly help to minimize the power budget (at least –300mW) Still to be done –Thermal and radiation evaluation (2Q/2006) –Confirmation (or not) of the ASIC option (3Q/2006) –ASIC in its final configuration – 3 rd version (4Q/2006) –BBM including all the functionalities of SORBET (4Q/2006) –Qualification of the last ASIC version (2007)
BepiColombo/MMO/PWI/SORBET PWI meeting - Kanazawa 24/03/2006M.Dekkali New ASIC design (January 2006) Analogue functions on a single chip : –Specific for SORBET (Full Custom design) –Thin CMOS technology (AMS 0.35um) –Logarithmic amplifiers (AGC) –Low noise mixers –Selective band-pass filter –Low noise operational amplifier Functional testing showed : –Measurements and simulations match very well –Improvement of the AGC dynamic range –AGC response less linear but still acceptable –Reduction of the power consumption Future actions –Thermal testing (soon) –Radiation evaluation (2Q/2006) –Decision to continue the ASIC solution (3Q/2006) 2.6mm
BepiColombo/MMO/PWI/SORBET PWI meeting - Kanazawa 24/03/2006M.Dekkali Analogue front end test bench Test bench for analogue purposes : –2 channels acquisition module –User I/F – BuilderC++ environment –Receiver setup –Stimuli control –GPIB and USB Interfaces –Data acquisition and storage –Graphic display –Manual and automatic tests (scripts) Plot of the receiver response as a function of the input level or the frequency
BepiColombo/MMO/PWI/SORBET PWI meeting - Kanazawa 24/03/2006M.Dekkali Radiation testing plan Preliminary radiation tests for an early evaluation of the ASIC technology Objectives : –Early detection of possible failures –Evaluation of the technology limits regarding the SEL and the TID –Make a decision about the ASIC option Latch-up tests : –Tests on 1 ASIC sample powered ON –Heavy ions beam at Louvain (Belgium) –Monitoring of the power supply for latch-up detection Total dose tests : –7 ASIC under radiation (5 ON + 2 OFF) + 1 sample for control –CO-60 source up to 100kRad (testing facilities still TBD) –Anneling (ASIC during 160H) and final tests Applicable documents : –ESA/SCC specification N°25100 (for SEL) and N°22900 (for TID) –Radiation testing plan (TBW)
BepiColombo/MMO/PWI/SORBET PWI meeting - Kanazawa 24/03/2006M.Dekkali Digital Unit : hardware First BBM design (still under development) : –A6 size daughter board –Re-programmable 2 millions gates FPGA (XILINX) –128KB low power Honeywell SRAM (+128KB option) –64KB EEPROM –SpaceWire interfaces (2.5V and 3.3V transceivers) –2 channels S&H + ADC (AD9225 or HMXADC9225) –Local 1.5V / 2.5V voltage regulator –External 3.3V / 5V / ±12V –Testing connectors : 48 logic analyzer channels, RS232 DSU for LEON
BepiColombo/MMO/PWI/SORBET PWI meeting - Kanazawa 24/03/2006M.Dekkali Digital Unit : FPGA design Low power processor : –Leon 2 LGPL : control, commands, DSP, data compression Configuration: 1KB dcache, 1KB icache, MAC16x16, DSU, 32 interrupts controler => Solution for SEU-free: LEON2FT? LEON3FT? –Spw-b-2.0 (ESTEC) mapped in IO area: MDP communication Configuration: SysClock=3MHz, SlowClock=10MHz, SDR, 32 FCT –Pseudo random noise : internal calibration –ADC module : sampling sequences, data buffering –Analog setup module : receiver configuration –Synthesizer controller : to be written
BepiColombo/MMO/PWI/SORBET PWI meeting - Kanazawa 24/03/2006M.Dekkali Digital Unit : development tools –FPGA tool chain : Windows (Actel) and Linux Redhat (Xilinx) –External/Internal logic analyzers : HP16900/ChipscopePro –Software development tools : Eclipse + CDT + GRMON evaluation / sparc-elf-gcc / ddd –SpaceWire tools : USB-brick (2 ports through USB) Java tests application (Dundee)
BepiColombo/MMO/PWI/SORBET PWI meeting - Kanazawa 24/03/2006M.Dekkali Interfaces with PWI I/F update : –3cm slot in the MDP chassis –Confirmation of the analogue +5V –DC-DC converters switching frequency –Shield between the PSU and others PWI instruments –Grounding to the MDP chassis –Connection between sensors and instruments Other : –Energy distribution of the particles at Mercury
BepiColombo/MMO/PWI/SORBET PWI meeting - Kanazawa 24/03/2006M.Dekkali Power supply budget (TBC) BusPower V0mW -12V100mW +5V700mW -5V0mW (TBC) +3.3V450mW Total1250 mW
BepiColombo/MMO/PWI/SORBET PWI meeting - Kanazawa 24/03/2006M.Dekkali SLOT