Financing ECCE
Why finance ECCE What to finance?
What to Finance in ECCE? An Outcome / Results based approach is important ECCE Outcomes: All Children have the Opportunity to reach their full potential – physical, cognitive, language, social and emotional development / skills To reach outcomes, important to finance activities leading to ECCE outcomes
Result Building Blocks InputsActivitiesOutputs Outcomes Long term goal / impact Resources committed to program activities Use resources to generate products & services Products/ services used to simulate achievement of results Effects / Beh.r changes resulting from program outputs Long term wide spread improvement in society ImplementationRESULTS FINANCING
What activities to finance? Physical facilities Enabling materials Teachers and their development Curriculum, materials Program Management Community mobilization Monitoring Nutrition supplement
Status of ECCE provision / financing: Different Types of ECCE provisions.. Public, Private, PPP Public: Government – Central / State / District / sub-district provisions – Inter-Ministry coordination / convergence Private: Private providers, NGOs, CSOs – Out of Pocket Expenditures Public Non-Public Partnerships – Private /NGO /CSO provision aided by government – Vouchers, stipends, Conditional Transfers
Function Activity Responsibility National Provinci al District Sub- district comm unity provid er Privat e Standards Legal framework Curriculum design Outcome standards Planning / Programs / interventions Physical expansion Equity & inclusiveness Quality Asset Creation Social capital / IEC Physical capital Program Management Beneficiary selection Playing Learning materials Maintenance of facilities Monitoring school processes Teacher Selection and assignment Training Salary Supervision Monitoring Data collection & analysis Management
Government Financing…. Which layer of Government is providing ECCE financing in the country / province? Is Government financing adequate to meet: – Access Expansion, improvement in facilities – Human Resources staff at various levels/ – To support different processes, both quantitatively and qualitatively? – To monitor and gauge status and progress? Is Government financing enable ECCE activities to reach each and every child? – Is it reaching out to the needy areas? – Is it targeted towards poor and most vulnerable group?
Do we know enough about government financing in ECCE about Where are the gaps? – Programs? Capital and recurrent costs? Where is investments needed most? – Is there any specific groups that needs more attention? (for example, tribals, girls?) – Is there any specific region that needs more funding? (specific provinces / districts?) – Is there any specific content areas (quality/ curriculum, teacher training?)
Non-Government financing…. Is it complementary to government provision? How free are the services? And how much accessible to different groups in society? Are they financing the right components of ECCE – especially in terms of quality?
SABER- ECD: Policy Lever 1.3: Finance a. Is there a transparent budget process? – To what extent does the budget use explicit criteria at the national or sub-national level to decide ECD spending number of students or teaching positions, student characteristics, (gender, socio-economic status or special needs) geographical location ability to raise revenue at the sub-national level performance of school Attendance historical precedent – To what extent is determining the budget a coordinated effort across ministries? – Can the government accurately report public ECD expenditures?
SABER- ECD: Policy Lever 1.3: Finance b. Is the burden of finance equitably distributed across various segments of society? – According to policy, what types of fees are levied for ECD services (Tuition, non-tuition) – What is the level of out of pocket expenditures as a percentage of total education expenditures? – What percentage of the annual education budget is allocated towards preprimary education? – Is the remuneration for preprimary teachers entering the field competitive? – Are community-based childcare center professionals paid by the government?