"The perspective of the MOEW in the management of tightening controls on pesticides in the framework of strategic plans of UAE" The third Topic Evaluation.


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Presentation transcript:

"The perspective of the MOEW in the management of tightening controls on pesticides in the framework of strategic plans of UAE" The third Topic Evaluation of Pesticides Quality & Monitoring of Pesticide residues in Fruits & Vegetables in UAE Markets. 9/18/20151Pesticides Laboratories

9/18/2015Pesticides Laboratories2 INTRODUCTION Scientific research over the last decades has shown that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables is protective against many cancers and lowers the occurrence of coronary heart disease. This recognition of the importance of routine consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, together with a marked increase in the year round availability of fresh fruits and vegetables from a global market, has contributed to the substantial increase in consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables over the past two decades. However, the recent increase in reports of food borne illness associated with fresh fruits and vegetables has raised concerns from public health agencies and consumers about the safety of these products.

9/18/2015Pesticides Laboratories3 OBJECTIVES To ensure the safety of food (fruits & vegetables ) as far as pesticides contamination is concerned planning of surveillance programmes for pesticide residues in the UAE food supply and the evaluation of the results; procedures for sampling, sample processing, new methods of analysis, the assessment of variability of pesticide residues in fruits &vegetables and related issues.

9/18/2015Pesticides Laboratories4 Surveillance programme The pesticide residues surveillance programme is designed to enable us to check: that specified pesticide maximum residue levels (MRLs ) are being respected & compiled with ; that users of pesticides are complying with conditions of use specified in the authorisation; and that dietary intakes of residues are within acceptable limits.

Pesticides Ionic Compounds Mycotoxins Veterinary Drugs Food Borne Exposures Food Borne Exposures Contaminants 9/18/20155Pesticides Laboratories

Infertility Cancer Brain Behavior Food borne Illness Food borne Illness Mutation 9/18/20156Pesticides Laboratories

Ultimately, the quality and safety of food depends on the efforts of every one involved in the complex chain of agriculture production, processing, transport, food production and consumption. World Health Organization (WHO) views food safety as a shared responsibility from farm to fork. 9/18/20157Pesticides Laboratories

This monitoring study was conducted in the Central laboratories, Ministry of Environment and Water, Al Ain, which are accredited by UKAS according to ISO/IEC17025 :2005 for pesticide residues analysis in fruits and vegetables. 9/18/20158Pesticides Laboratories

9/18/2015Pesticides Laboratories9 PFL Pesticides formulation Labs. Established in 1997, to examine the imported pesticides formulations, that enters the country from the different entry points at the borders, either for registration or trading purposes, and ensure their compliance with the regulations of UAE. PRL Pesticide Residues Labs. Established in 2002, as recommended in a workshop about “pesticides residues in agricultural produce”, held in Abu Dhabi. Pesticides Lab. is a basic unit of Central Laboratories in Al-Ain, and consists of two sections:

1- Qualification and Quantification of the Active ingredients of imported Pesticides 2- Monitoring of the Registered Pesticides Quality 3- Providing consultation services for the customers either for companies or individuals. PFL Objectives 9/18/201510Pesticides Laboratories

1- Qualification and Quantification of Pesticides residues existing in imported or locally produced Fruits and Vegetables. 2- Assessment of the compliance of pesticides residues in tested samples with the MRLs of national and/or international regulations (Codex & EC ) 3- Developing National Database for the Pesticides residues in UAE. PRL Objectives 9/18/2015Pesticides Laboratories11

International Accreditation PL is Accredited by UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Services) as per the requirements of (ISO/ IEC 17025) since PL is the 1 st Laboratory in the middle east & GCC accredited in the field of Pesticides Formulations Analysis and the Analysis of Pesticides Residues in Fruits & Vegetables. (scope of accreditation covers around 200 Pesticides). In the PF there is a strong similarity in the method used in PFL and CIPAC methodology. 9/18/201512Pesticides Laboratories

PRL Staff are conducting monitoring surveys for most commodity types of imported fresh Fruits and Vegetables (mainly from Guaifat Entry point & Agricultural Quarantine Centres) The Annual Average Samples Number is more than 2500 & is in the increase PRL can test now around 300 pesticides in each sample (to be increased to around 400 pesticides later this year). 9/18/201539Pesticides Laboratories Fruits and Vegetables Samples

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9/18/2015Pesticides Laboratories15 Methodology The ultimate goal in fair practice in international trade depends, among other things, on the reliability of analytical results. This in turn, particularly in pesticide residue analysis, depends not only on the availability of reliable analytical methods, but also on the experience of the analyst and on the maintenance of ‘good practice in the analysis of pesticides’. These include good analytical practice and may be considered in three inter-related parts: The Analyst Basic Resources The Analysis The requirements for facilities, management, personnel, quality assurance and quality control, documentation of results and raw data, and relevant subjects, which are considered as prerequisites for obtaining reliable and traceable results, are described in general in the ISO/IEC Standard (2005) and in a series of OECD, GLP Guidance Documents, in the corresponding national laws and regulations

Methods of Pesticide Residues Analysis Multi-residues Analysis in Food Stuffs based on modern GC techniques & follows protocols as described in SANCO Sample:Fruit or VegetableSub-sampling & Homogenization Pesticides Extractions from the Sample Pre-analysis PreparationGC AnalysisData Analysis Comparison with International Standards for MRL Statistical Studies 9/18/201516Pesticides Laboratories

Gas & Liquid Chromatography: GC/PFPD GC/MSD GC/MSD+NPD GC/MSD+NPD+ECD GC/TSD+FID GC/ECD+NPD GC/FID HPLC LC/MS/Fluorescene LC/MSMS Other equipments used for Homogenization, Extraction, Concentration, filtration and Clean-up of Sample Extracts. Staff: 2-PhD, 1-MSc. and 4 BSc.(total 7) Instruments used in PR & PF Analysis 17 9/18/2015 Pesticides Laboratories

The use of QuEChERS (pronounced “Catchers”) method – Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Robust and Safe Sample Preparation method developed jointly by US FDA and EU Food Regulatory Agencies Methodology for simplified extraction of a large number of pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables QuEChERS is a fast sample preparation method for screening for analytes of interest, not for concentrating samples QuEChERS is still in it’s “Infancy”; being adopted worldwide Page 18 Luke method or traditional SPEQuEChERSBottom Line Estimated Time to process 6 samples (min) x faster Solvent Used (mL)90 mL10mL9 x less solvent Chlorinated Waste (mL)30 mLnonesafer, greener, less costly Glassware/ specialized equipment Funnel, water bath, 200mL containers, evaporator, etc. NoneNo additional supplies needed 9/18/201518

9/18/201519Pesticides Laboratories

170 pesticides GC/MSD LC/MS Ethyl Acetate 400/500 pesticides GC/MSD, GC/MSMS, LC/MSMS QuEChERS 9/18/201520Pesticides Laboratories Routine-Spectrum Single Pesticides New Methods Up to Compounds !

Results: The results of the analyses of 8245 samples is shown in the table below covering the period from In this study about 28 types of fruits and 60 types of vegetables which mean 88 types of commodities from more than 30 countries from different parts of the world were analyzed for pesticide residues.. 9/18/201521Pesticides Laboratories

The results shown were carried out using MRM method using LC-MS, GC-MS, GC- PFPD/TSD/NPD/µECD. In average more than 250 pesticides and their metabolites covering all the major classes organochlorines, organophosphorus and carbamates were tested for. For most of the pesticides the reporting limit was mg/kg. 9/18/201522Pesticides Laboratories

9/18/2015Pesticides Laboratories23 For our 2010 surveillance programme we are pleased to report that we have expanded the range of pesticides that we look for in our fruit and vegetables surveys up to 323 and have reduced the reporting limit in most cases to 0.01 mg/kg. In 2009 the maximum number of pesticides that we looked for in any survey was 136 with a routine reporting limit of 0.02mg/kg. * For this reason we may in future find more residues and multi- residues in single samples.

Summary of Results ( ) Category No. of Analyzed Samples Samples Free of PR % Sample with PR below MRL < % Samples with PR Exceed > MRL % Year Total /18/201524Pesticides Laboratories

YearTotal S No There was an annual increase of analyzed samples using the luke method, from 701 in 2005 to 820 in 2007 reaching 3031 in 2010 with a percentage increase of 332 % compared to /18/201525Pesticides Laboratories

2. There was also an increase in targeted pesticides from 76 in 2005 to 103 in 2007 & then to 323 pesticides in 2010 equivalent to a 325 % increase. Year No of pesticide /sample Percent Increase % % % % % 9/18/201526Pesticides Laboratories

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FOOD HANDLING TIPS  While pesticide residues on and in food are typically at very low levels, there are ways we can further reduce them:  Rinse fruit and vegetables thoroughly under running water. Running water has an abrasive effect that soaking doesn't have. Also some pesticides are absorbed into fruits and vegetables, some are present on the surface. Washing removes most surface waxes and residues, along with dirt and bacterial contamination. Peeling fruits and vegetables also removes surface residues and some conjugated residues. (but remember that some nutrients and fiber may be lost in peeling) 9/18/201529Pesticides Laboratories  Some residues are concentrated only in outer leaves so removal of outer leaves in cabbage, lettuce etc. can remove residues also  Cooking, canning, and other food processing methods can reduce some (not all) residues.  Eating a variety of foods ensures balanced nutrient uptake; further it eliminates likelihood of exposure to a single residue and its bio-magnification(5-a day

Thank you I would like to thank All attendees for their attention 9/18/2015Pesticides Laboratories30