WHAT IS RASPBERRY KETONE Raspberry ketone is a supplement and research has shown that raspberry ketone can help in your weight-loss efforts, especially when paired with regular exercise and a well-balanced diet of healthy and whole foods. Raspberry ketone is the primary aroma compound of red raspberries. The IUPAC name for raspberry ketone is 4- (4'-hydroxyphenyl)-2-butanone
CONTD. This compound regulates adiponectin, a protein used by the body to regulate metabolism. Raspberry ketone causes the fat within your cells to get broken up more effectively, helping your body burn fat faster. The recommended dose is 100mg per day. To get the same benefit from the whole fruit, you would have to consume 90 pounds of raspberries.
CONCLUSION The vanillin/acetone aldol reaction is the easiest of the aldol reactions, and the hydrogenation to rheosmin gives a more crystalline material than that of the hydrogenation to zingerone. Therefore we can say that the two sequence are comparable (aldol and hydrogenation reaction). We can also conclude that small volumes of solutions can be transferred using small syringes than using pipetes.
EXTRACTION OF RASPBERRY KETONE Extraction of pure raspberry ketone is usually 1-4 mg per kg of raspberries, therefore eating raspberries or raspberry seed, leaf or fruit extracts will not yield enough of the metabolic boosting properties. 4-(4'-hydroxyphenyl)- 2-butanone)
CONT. Raspberry ketone is a name of an enzyme that is extracted from delicious berries. Raspberry is valued by people because these berries are perceived by people to have powerful healing and health advantages.
Uses of raspberry ketones Raspberry ketone is used in perfumery, in cosmetics, and as a food additive to impart a fruity odor. It is one of the most expensive natural flavor components used in the food industry. The natural compound can cost as much as $20,000 per kg.
SYNTHESIS OF RASPBERRY KETONE The natural abundance of raspberry ketone is very low but it can be prepared industrially using different methods. One of the methods that is widely used is the crossed-aldol-catalytic hydrogenation. Acetone and sodium hydroxide, 4- hydroxybenzaldehyde can form α, β-unsaturated ketone. Vanillin is a chemical compound that has been used in the laboratory to undergo crossed-adol reaction with acetone to yield 4-(4'-hydroxy-3'- methoxyphenyl)-3-buten-2-one, which can be hydrogenated to zingerone (4-(4'-hydroxy-3'- methoxyphenyl)-2-butanone).
It has a boiling point of about 152 to 153 °C and a melting point of mm Hg. Zingerone is a substance known as a major flavor of ginger. At room temperature, Vanillin and 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde react readily with acetone; this process is slow. Research has shown that during the condensation of vanillin with acetone, the reaction time is 24hours.
Assessment of in Vitro depigmenting of Raspberry Ketones The experiment will deal with the in vitro culture of a mouse’s B16 melanoma cell system as the specie of study. The B16 cells were treated with Raspberry Ketone and the melanin contents in the treated cells were closely observed by Fontana- Masson staining of the cells.recently, we can use IBMX, which is an elevator of cellular cAMP level, to stimulate melanogenesis in B16 cells.
CONTD. There are two melanogenesis inhibitors (arbutin and danazol) which can be used as positive standards in B16 cells. Themelanin content in the cells is increased after the IBMX treatment and the increase in melanin content was decreased by both arbutin and danazol treatments. A photometric method was used to detect the melanin content in the cells of the mouse through the concentration of NaOH that dissolved the melanin at 490nm. The result gotten was similar to that obtained by the Fontana-Masson staining.
Assessment of in vivo depigmenting of Raspberry Ketones Zebra fish is the new in vivo model used for assessing the depigmenting activity of Raspberry Ketones. A total number of 100 coordinated zebra fish embryos were treated with drugs from 9 to 48 hpf (hours post fertilization), and normal developed embryos were also collected to calculate embryo survival. The Melanin pigment was captured and a photometric method was used to determine its quantity.
CONTD. The melanin content of the Raspberry Ketone- treated fish was recorded using the photometric method. During the course of the experiment it was discovered that the treatment of embryos with Raspberry Ketones between 9 to 48 hpf (hours post fertilization) and dose-dependently reduced skin melanin content in the developed larvae, at a concentration of 300 μM, RK resulted to the same degree of transparency as noticed for 200 μM of 1-phenyl 2-thiourea (PTU), (a standard depigmenting agent used in zebra fish experiments).
EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE A test tube with a tightfitting stopper contains 0.25g of vanillin and 1.0mL of acetone. The tube is swirled so as to dissolve the solid. 1.0 mL of (2.5 M) aqueous NaOH (caution: caustic!) is added to the test tube ;then, the tube is immediately capped and shaken vigorously to give a clear yellow solution (and it later changes to red). The mixture is allowed to stand at room temperature for 24–48 hours.
CONTD. The tube is later opened and 5.0 mL of 3 M aqueous HCl is added, then the tube is re- closed and shaken vigorously to get yellow suspended crystals (the mixture will be slightly warm due to the acid- base neutralization). The solution is later allowed to filter and then it is rinsed by few liters of water. The material was air-dried and it resulted to a temperature of 124– 127 °C.
SIDE EFFECT OF RASPBERY KETONE Raspberry Ketone should not be used if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, have a pre-existing condition, or suffer from a seizure disorder. If you take anti- depressants, consult your doctor before using this or any supplement.
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