Implementing Ontario’s Credit Transfer System Presentation to Student Pathways in Higher Education Conference January 26, 2012 Ministry of Training, Colleges.


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Presentation transcript:

Implementing Ontario’s Credit Transfer System Presentation to Student Pathways in Higher Education Conference January 26, 2012 Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities Marie-Lison Fougère, Assistant Deputy Minister Susan Golets, Manager Geri Smith, Senior Policy Advisor

3 Overview What have we achieved?  Progress of CT Implementation Where do we want to be?  ‘Mature state’ Credit Transfer System How do we get there?  Credit Transfer System Components and Vision  Policy Framework  Transfer Model Framework  Detailed updates on key elements:  Innovation Fund  Institutional Grants  Accountability Framework  Next steps for implementation

4 Designing Ontario’s Credit Transfer System In January 2011 Ministry announced an investment of just under $74 million over five years to support the development of a province-wide credit transfer system. The new system was developed in close collaboration with the postsecondary sector including student organizations and representatives from colleges and universities. ‒ Credit Transfer Steering Committee ‒ Credit Transfer Working Group Key components of the credit transfer system have all been endorsed by the Steering Committee

5 Key Achievements Key achievements over the past year include: ‒ The release of a policy framework to guide the implementation of the new Credit Transfer System ‒ A new credit transfer website to provide transparent information on transfer opportunities for student ‒ A new, independent, and sector-based, council responsible for central coordination of the credit transfer system ‒ An accountability framework to track and monitor system progress ‒ Institutional Grants that provide new supports for students such as transfer advisors and orientation programs ‒ A new Credit Transfer Innovation Fund to develop and expand credit transfer pathways in demand areas ‒ Funding to support Research projects to develop best practices and fill knowledge gaps

6 A ‘mature-state’ credit transfer system By the system will: Ensure a seamless transfer system that maximizes student access and choice Provide students and stakeholders with comprehensive information on pathways available to achieve specific occupational and academic goals Enable students to move from one Ontario credential to another without repeating equivalent prior learning Provide students with timely and up-to-date information on credit transfer through an interactive website that includes: a)opportunities for students to record searches and save results to a personal account b)a fully searchable database of educational pathways moving in many directions (i.e. C-U, U- C, U-U, C-C, A-C, C-A, etc.) Support institutional systems that provide students with information on transfer credit granted at the time of registration Provide integrated student services for transfer students in all institutions, including early notification of transfer credit granted, orientation programs and student support services Provide reliable information on student mobility supported by comprehensive institutional data and a robust research program

7 Province-wide Credit Transfer System Vision and Components By 2015, Ontario will have a comprehensive and consistently applied credit transfer mechanism that facilitates and promotes student mobility, by assisting qualified students to move between publicly funded postsecondary institutions without repeating prior, relevant learning successes Coordinating Body Funding Framework Core Elements Foundation Policy Framework Tracking and Research Communicatio n and Transparency Transfer Models Accountability Framework

8 Policy Framework Transforming the current ad-hoc credit transfer process requires a multi-year approach leading to a comprehensive credit transfer system that will truly serve students/learners Government has a vital leadership role to play, otherwise the system will continue to be a patchwork of practices Credit Transfer System Vision Navigate the postsecondary system effectively Reduce duplication of prior relevant learning Reach preferred educational destination faster Goals of the Credit Transfer System Expand and improve transfer pathways Improve transparency and access to information about pathways and credit transfer Support student success

9 Transfer Model Framework: The framework acts as a guide for the development of student pathways and attempts to reflect the needs of both students and institutions The Steering Committee agreed to initial focus on College-University transfers Three components are included in all Transfer Agreements: 1.Partners to the Agreement: The number of institutions participating in the agreement 2.Curriculum Analysis: The process through which learning equivalency is determined 3.Transfer Credit Mechanism: The way in which the credit is applied by the receiving institution Consultation has begun to expand the framework beyond the College-University (C-U) transfer pathways to include other pathways (U-C, C-C, U-U, Apprenticeship-College/College-Apprenticeship)

Ontario Credit Transfer Models Partnerships Bilateral MultilateralSystem Multi-institutional RegionalLanguage Curriculum Analysis Course-by-course comparison Analysis of Program Learning Outcomes Student record of successful postsecondary at diploma or advanced diploma level; program affinity is not relevant Transfer Credit Mechanism Direct entry with course credit toward degree requirements AssignedNot Assigned Direct entry to a specific point in a program with block credit Direct entry with course credits toward program requirements Direct entry with undifferentiated block credit equal to a specific entry point of a degree (usually 3 rd year) With Bridge Without Bridge With Bridge Without Bridge AssignedNot assigned Major Elective

11 Credit Transfer Innovation Fund Purpose To support the development of new credit transfer models and student pathways, particularly in high demand program areas Background In January, 2011, a joint CUCC-MTCU call for participation in innovation fund projects was issued to colleges and universities The Call solicited projects consistent with the new system and policy statement and focused on supporting pathways that enable graduates of college programs to move seamlessly into degree programs in Ontario Universities Current Status Almost $4M in projects were selected for funding (14 projects); all projects have begun and are anticipated to be completed between fall 2012/winter 2013 Outcomes from most projects - pathways, bridging programs, etc. - are expected to be implemented with a first intake of students in summer or fall 2013 The coordinating body released a Call for Expressions of Interest for research projects that relate to increasing knowledge and understanding of transfer activity and transfer student experience/success

12 Credit Transfer Institutional Grants Purpose New supports are being provided to institutions for implementing the credit transfer system to: ‒ improve resources such as introducing dedicated transfer advisors and orientation programs ‒ increase participation in credit transfer assessment and pathways ‒ improve information systems for tracking and reporting on credit transfer activity and student success Background The Ministry has entered into a transfer payment agreement with each of the 44 publicly assisted postsecondary education institutions in Ontario Institutions report to the Ministry to outline the institution’s credit transfer activities Current Status Final reports from institutions for grants provided in show substantial progress in developing supports for credit transfer students, and enhancing institutional practices Institutions have also laid some groundwork for capturing more credit transfer information in their student information systems New two-year agreements ( , ) for grants have been signed by all institutions, enabling the first instalment of funds to be flowed

13 Credit Transfer Accountability Framework Purpose The accountability framework will include both a funding model and a set of performance indicators that will: ‒ Provide the mechanism through which: (1) system-wide goals and institutional participation and activities are set out and (2) results are reported ‒ Link funding to measurable and auditable credit transfer activities ‒ Enable public reporting on the progress to facilitate the movement of students through the postsecondary education system ‒ Allow the ministry to monitor and evaluate the success of the credit transfer system, conduct policy analysis and research; and to pursue continuous improvement in the design and implementation of the province’s credit transfer system Background A Technical Working Group (TWG) was established in Spring 2010 (with representatives from CO, COU, CUCC, universities and colleges) to advise the Ministry on the development and implementation of the accountability framework Current Status A short-term funding model for Institutional Grants was developed in consultation with the TWG in winter 2011; this model will remain in place for two years ( and ) Discussions continue to finalize interim and long-term indicators, required data elements and a long- term funding framework A Definitions Task Group has been established to work through the operational definitions of each proposed performance measure

14 Next Steps Expand coordination of Ontario’s credit transfer system Continue focus on innovation and research Innovation and Research funding to expand new pathways (e.g. university to university; college to college; college to university; university to college, and transfers to and from apprenticeship) Develop and introduce an accountability framework to track and monitor system progress Identify data needs and address gaps to begin tracking against identified performance measures Develop Institutional Guidelines to articulate Ministry policy and grant eligibility and requirements for institutions Continue development and enhancement of the credit transfer website with a focus on expanding information available on the transfer guide to include university-university, college-college and university to college transfer