Limits and Their Properties 11.2 Copyright © Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.
2 Finding a limit graphically Warm-up :
Evaluating Limits Analytically Copyright © Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. 1.2
4 Evaluate a limit using properties of limits. Develop and use a strategy for finding limits. Evaluate a limit using dividing out and rationalizing techniques. Evaluate a limit using the Squeeze Theorem. Objectives
5 Properties of Limits
6 The limit of f (x) as x approaches c does not depend on the value of f at x = c. It may happen, however, that the limit is precisely f (c). In such cases, the limit can be evaluated by direct substitution. That is, Such well-behaved functions are continuous at c. Properties of Limits
7 Example 1 – Evaluating Basic Limits
8 Example 2 – Evaluating Basic Limits
9 The limit (as x → 2 ) of the polynomial function p(x) = 4x is simply the value of p at x = 2. This direct substitution property is valid for all polynomial and rational functions with nonzero denominators. Properties of Limits
10 Properties of Limits In other words, use direct substitution unless it results in division by zero.
11 Find the limit: Solution: Because the denominator is not 0 when x = 1, you can apply Theorem 1.3 to obtain Example 3 – The Limit of a Rational Function
12 Example 4(a) – The Limit of a Composite Function Because it follows that
13 Example 4– The Limit of a Composite Function Find the limit:
14 Example 5 – Limits of Trigonometric Functions
15 A Strategy for Finding Limits
16 A Strategy for Finding Limits
17 Find the limit: Example 6 – Finding the Limit of a Function
18 Example 6 – Solution So, for all x-values other than x = 1, the functions f and g agree, as shown in Figure 1.17 Figure 1.17 cont’d f and g agree at all but one point
19 A Strategy for Finding Limits
20 Dividing Out and Rationalizing Techniques
21 Dividing Out and Rationalizing Techniques Two techniques for finding limits analytically are shown in Examples 7 and 8. The dividing out technique involves dividing out common factors, and the rationalizing technique involves rationalizing the numerator of a fractional expression.
22 Example 7 – Dividing Out Technique Find the limit: Solution: Although you are taking the limit of a rational function, you cannot apply Theorem 1.3 because the limit of the denominator is 0.
23 Because the limit of the numerator is also 0, the numerator and denominator have a common factor of (x + 3). So, for all x ≠ –3, you can divide out this factor to obtain Using Theorem 1.7, it follows that Example 7 – Solution cont’d
24 This result is shown graphically in Figure Note that the graph of the function f coincides with the graph of the function g(x) = x – 2, except that the graph of f has a gap at the point (–3, –5). Example 7 – Solution Figure 1.18 cont’d
25 Theorem You Try:
26 You Try:
27 An expression such as 0/0 is called an indeterminate form because you cannot (from the form alone) determine the limit. When you try to evaluate a limit and encounter this form, remember that you must rewrite the fraction so that the new denominator does not have 0 as its limit. One way to do this is to divide out like factors, as shown in Example 7. A second way is to rationalize the numerator, as shown in Example 8. Dividing Out and Rationalizing Techniques
28 Find the limit: Solution: By direct substitution, you obtain the indeterminate form 0/0. Example 8 – Rationalizing Technique
29 In this case, you can rewrite the fraction by rationalizing the numerator. cont’d Example 8 – Solution
30 Now, using Theorem 1.7, you can evaluate the limit as shown. cont’d Example 8 – Solution
31 A table or a graph can reinforce your conclusion that the limit is. (See Figure 1.20.) Figure 1.20 Example 8 – Solution cont’d
32 Example 8 – Solution cont’d
33 You Try:
34 You Try:
35 Example: 11
37 You Try:
38 You Try:
39 You Try:
40 Limit of a Difference Quotient:
41 You Try:
42 Limits at infinity Find the following limits
43 Homework Day pg odd, odd. Day 2: 11.2 pg even, odd
44 Mini Quiz 4/24 1) Find the limit analytically:
45 Mini Quiz 4/24 2) Find the limit algebraically :
46 Mini Quiz 4/24 2) Find the limit analytically :