Student Assistants: The Face of Customer Service Kim Diawara – University of Colorado Boulder Jeanne Breiner – Colorado State University Kendra Heinrich – Metropolitan State University Denver
What we hope to accomplish today! O Open discussion of our recruitment, training, and continued support of student assistants O Feed back on your experiences O Learn something new
Overview of Our Process O What office are you in? O General Student Duties O Number of Student Assistants
Hiring Process O How do you advertise positions? O What requirements do you have O Work study award O Office skills O Hire for specific job or general office O Do you interview? By phone or in-person O Background checks required? O New Hire paperwork – how do you handle?
Setting Schedules O Do you hire for specific times during the day? O Office hours O Phone hours O Does student set their own schedule? O Do you set the schedule? O How do you determine coverage?
Setting Expectations O How does the student know what is expected? O Job performance O Attendance O Dress code O When there is no work to do – then what
Scheduled Meetings O How often? O How do you schedule? O Days / times O Are there goals for the meetings? O What is typically covered? O Professional development?
Training O Who does training? O How do you train? O Do you cross train with other departments? O Do you require FERPA? How is it completed? O What systems do your students access? O Student Information System O Imaging O Others?
Duties O What are the typical job duties for student assistants? O Phone bank O Front desk O Imaging / capture O Process transcripts (Registrar’s Office) O Process credentials (Admission’s Office) O Test Score near match O Process Mail O Filing
Rewards O How Often? O Potlucks O Birthday clubs O Courtesy transcripts O Finals survival bags O Resume of Skills acquired
Results O Dependable/Reliable Students O Mutual Trust O Students feel valued, engaged, want to return year after year O Make staff perform better O Professional office experience O Year end performance evaluations O Student Feedback on experience O SUCCESSFUL YEAR!!
THANK YOU Have more questions? Feel free to contact us! O O O