Developing Effective Partnerships Epstein’s Framework of Six Types of Involvement
Why are partnerships important? The more families support their children’s learning and educational progress, the more their children tend to do well in school and continue their education. Programs and interventions that engage families in supporting their children’s learning at home are linked to higher student achievement. (Parents’ level of engagement affects the degree of influence). Teacher outreach to parents is positively related to parent involvement and student achievement. (Henderson & Mapp, 2002)
What are school, family, and community partnerships? School, Family, and Community Partnerships - A philosophy, culture, and process that emphasizes the overlapping influence that stakeholders in each context have on the education and well-being of children and adults.
Epstein’s Framework of 6 Types of Involvement Comprehensive partnership programs have activities that support the following types of involvement: Type 1 – Parenting Type 2 – Communicating Type 3 – Volunteering Type 4 – Learning at Home Type 5 – Decision Making Type 6 – Collaborating with the Community
Type 1 - Parenting Activities to assist families in: Providing housing, health, nutrition, clothing and safety Developing parenting skills for all age levels Sharing information and activities to help schools understand children and families
Type 2 - Communicating Information to help families: Understand educational programs and children’s progress Understand student assessments Opportunities for families to: Express concerns, insights and expectations
Type 3 - Volunteering Involvement at and for the school or organization: To assist administrators, teachers, students, or parents as mentors, monitors, lecturers, chaperones, tutors, or in other ways To attend assemblies, performances, sports events, ceremonies, and other events
Type 4 – Learning at Home Involvement in academic activities at home to: Help with and monitor homework Understand skills required to pass/master each subject Guide curriculum-related decisions Support the development of other skills and talents
Type 5 – Decision Making Family participation in school: Advisory groups Planning committees Program-related decisions
Type 6 – Collaborating with the Community Connections with the community for needed services, resources, and support Connections that contribute to the community
Examples of Partnership Activities The National Network of Partnership Schools www.
Building Comprehensive Family Engagement Programs at Head Start Centers “In a study of Head Start children, long term effects on cognitive, social, and personal abilities were enhanced when a stronger and longer lasting parental involvement component was included.” (Reynolds & Clements, 2005) Create a welcoming site environment Create opportunities for 2-way communication that is regular and focused on students’ learning and school success Support families’ sense of efficacy for involvement by providing engagement opportunities that span Epstein’s six types Prepare parents in Head Start to maintain involvement as they transition to public k-12 schools
Resources Epstein et al. (2009). School, Family, and Community Partnerships, Your Handbook for Action, Third Edition. Corwin Press. Henderson, A. & Mapp, K. (2002). A new wave of evidence: The impact of school, family, and community connections on student achievement. Austin, TX: Southwest Educational Development Laboratory. National Network of Partnership Schools at: Reynolds, A. & Clements, M. (2005). Parental Involvement and Children’s School Success. In E. Patrikakou, R. Weissberg, S. Redding, & H. Walberg (pp ), School-Family Partnerships for Children’s Success. NY, NY: Teachers College Press.