A Canadian Approach to Prevent School Bullying and Violence International Conference on School Bullying and Violence Stavanger, Norway September 5-8, 2004 Sandra Dean Together We Light the Way Canada Creating Safe and Caring Learning Communities
Results: School Safety Decreased incidents of bullying over the three-year period of implementation
Results: Academic Achievement Students met or exceeded grade equivalent growth
Focus Creating Safe and Caring Learning Communities Bullying
Risk Factors Unsuccessful in school Low academic achievement Low sense of self Unsafe and insecure environment –Victimization –Bullying –Fighting Poor nutrition Family stress Poor relationships Low secure attachments to caring adults
Protective Factors School success Increased academic achievement A sense of self Safe, secure and nurturing environments A healthful lifestyle Positive family and school relationships Respectful and caring relationships Connection to caring adults
Monitoring and Evaluating Informed decision making Refine implementation Change or re-direct practice
Comprehensive School Based-Model Academic Respect Teamwork Leadership Pillars for Living, Learning Growing and Being
Guiding Principles Everyone is unique and has a contribution to make Everyone has strengths which must be nurtured and supported Everyone has the right to be respected and the responsibility to respect others Service to others performed with caring and love makes a difference
School/Community-Wide Approach Agreements Consequences
Role Models Like it or not, teachers, parents, caregivers, we are all role models. Our daily choices and actions will echo through the generations. - Jensen
Circles of Respect
Partner Engagement Social Capital Social Cohesion
Current and Future Initiatives Provincial Governments Canadian Government U.S. Government The Caribbean OECD United Nations
From Program to Practice 1.Comprehensive training 2.Step-by-step instructions and staged implementation approaches 3.Full range of resources 4.Measurement tools 5.Ongoing support 6.Best-practice sharing opportunities 7.Celebration events
Community Somewhere, there are people to whom we can Speak with passion, without having the words Catch in our throats. Somewhere a circle of hands will open To receive us, Eyes will light up as we enter, Voices will celebrate us whenever we come into Our own power. Community means strength that joins Our strength to do the work that Needs to be done. Arms to hold us when we falter. A circle of healing. A circle of friends. Someplace where we can be free. - Christina Baldwin
Contact Information Sandra Dean Together We Light the Way Durham District School Board 400 Taunton Road East Whitby, Ontario L1R 2K6 Canada