Achieving the Dream Dr. Jan Lyddon October 2010
What is Achieving the Dream?
Success is what counts. 3 ATD has built a NATIONAL NETWORK Over 130 institutions, 24 states & District of Columbia More than1 million students enrolled in ATD colleges
Success is what counts. 4 Students progressing successfully through developmental courses Students advancing from developmental courses into and through credit bearing courses Students successfully completing college-level courses (grade of C or better) Students re-enrolling from one semester to the next, and from year to year Students earning degrees, diplomas and certificates. Goals of Achieving the Dream
Success is what counts. 5 Achieving the Dream Institutional Change Principles 1.Committed leadership CEO and leadership team actively support efforts to improve student learning and completion 2.Use of evidence to improve policies, programs, and services Colleges routinely analyze student data to assess progress and outcomes 3.Broad engagement Faculty, staff, students, and community stakeholders participate in efforts to improve student success 4.Systemic institutional improvement Colleges orient all planning and activities around student success agenda
Success is what counts. 6 Some Themes within Achieving the Dream We build a culture of evidence and inquiry to guide decisions and actions. We confront hard truths: “We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face…We must do that which we think we cannot.” Eleanor Roosevelt
Success is what counts. 7 All students are not alike Disparities by race: Adults with associate’s degrees or higher: 42% of whites 26% of African Americans 18% of Hispanics Disparities by gender: Growing evidence that young men are falling behind Disparities by age group: Younger students – “Gen-Next” – have different expectations and behaviors
Success is what counts. 8 Share the facts and act on what you’ve learned “Take nothing on its looks; take everything on evidence. There’s no better rule.” Charles Dickens (1812 – 1870) Great Expectations
(we are not alone) Issues Impacting Our Students Are National Issues Impacting Other Community College Students
Success is what counts. 10 What is Achieving the Dream … continued
Success is what counts. 11 What We Know Nationally Source: Achieving the Dream Data Notes,1(6) July/Aug About half of all U.S. undergraduates and 40 percent of first-time freshmen are in community colleges Research shows that low-income students and students of color are most at risk of not achieving success. Yet these students are a large share of community colleges’ enrollment.
Success is what counts. 12 What We Know Nationally Source: Achieving the Dream Data Notes,1(6) July/Aug % earn an associate or bachelor's degree or transfer within six years. … a reality check … 41% earn a certificate or transfer to a four-year institution within six years.
Success is what counts. 13 What We Know Nationally Of 2002 Achieving the Dream Cohort, % Needing Developmental Education Source: Achieving the Dream Data Notes,1(6) July/Aug 2006.
Success is what counts. 14 How are they doing? Percent of 2002 AtD Cohort referred to developmental education that attempted and completed at least one developmental course during their first term, by race. Source: Achieving the Dream Data Notes, 1(6) July/Aug 2006.
Success is what counts. 15 We Need to Take a Serious Look at Our Issues We want the “great minds” of the college to look at the data and begin to address the issues related to student success.
Roles and Responsibilities
Success is what counts. 17 Core and Data Teams Broadly representative Understand College data and evaluation of initiatives Guide discussion, prioritization, implementation of improvements Communication link to larger communities Broadly representative Collect, disaggregate, and study data Provide support to the Core Team Support evaluation of all initiatives Core Team Data Team
Success is what counts. 18 ATD five-step process for Student Success Improve student success & equity Support from ATD Investment by the college 5 ATD goals
Success is what counts. 19 ATD five-step process for Student Success STEP 2 Use data to prioritize actions
Success is what counts. 20 ATD five-step process for Student Success STEP 2 Use data to prioritize actions Prioritize problems for action Because resources are limited, colleges are advised to prioritize problems…and involve faculty and staff in these courageous conversations. Communicate the results broadly Communicating the results widely have proven to motivate and engage faculty and staff in understanding the barriers to student success. Use data from a variety of sources to better understand barriers to success Results from student and faculty focus groups and surveys such as the Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) Disaggregate data to identify achievement gaps By student characteristics such as race and ethnicity, gender, income, p- f- time status, etc. Track the progress and outcomes of student cohorts Conduct longitudinal analysis by tracking entering cohorts of students each semester
Success is what counts. 21 Taking it step by step Examine the data: How many students get a C or better in Developmental courses? College-level English? College-level math? Are there some students who don’t do as well? Which ones? What are some of the underlying issues we need to understand?
Success is what counts. 22 Taking it step by step… Cohorts How many students continue for a second semester? For a second year? Graduate? Are there differences by race, gender, age group?
Success is what counts. 23 Taking it step by step Examine the data: What do the students say? CCSSE Focus groups Other surveys
Success is what counts. 24 Taking it step by step Examine the data: What do other stakeholders have to tell us? Students’ families Community leaders K-12 educators
Success is what counts. 25 Taking it step by step What are some of the policies and practices at the College that affect student success? Which are helpful and which inhibit student success?
Success is what counts. 26 The Inarguable Fundamentals 1.The center of community college work is student learning, persistence, and success. 2.Every program, every service, every academic policy is perfectly designed to achieve the exact outcome it currently produces.
Achieving the Dream Kilgore College October, 2010