Union Elementary School “Soaring Above and Beyond”
Section I Development of School and Community Profile
3 School Characteristics Enrollment is 447 Pre-K thru 6 th Grade 32 Certified Teachers 14 Teacher Assistants Office Staff - Principal, Secretary/bookkeeper, SIMS Data Manager 2 custodians, 5 bus drivers, 6 cafeteria workers
4 Incentive Programs at U.E.S. Accelerated Reader Book It Program Lunch Bunch McDonald’s Reading Program EOG Celebration Academic Honor Roll Student Awards Program Extra Special Eagles
5 Community Resources Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) Advisory Council Before and After School Care Tutorial Program School Volunteers Reading for Success Partnerships for Learning Parent Workshops EOG Night Arts and Cultural Enrichment Activities Indian Education Programs Children’s Bible Ministries Read Across America
6 Parent Opinions of U.E.S. Parents ranked the following survey items the highest: Generally, the teachers in my child’s school are warm and caring. The principal and teachers at my child’s school, work well together. I feel welcomed when I visit the school. The quality of instruction is one of high standards. Our school makes all reasonable efforts to offer a safe and orderly environment.
7 Students Opinions of U.E.S. Students ranked the following survey items highest: My teacher has high expectations for me. Teachers usually provide all the help I need with assignments. I feel that I “fit in” at our school. I feel comfortable talking with my teacher.
8 Faculty Opinions of U.E.S. Faculty ranked the following survey items highest: Our school provides a variety of resources to help students achieve success in their learning. Our teachers regularly communicate with parents in addition to progress reports being sent out. This school provides a safe and orderly environment for the students and teachers. I have a voice in the decisions that are made at this school. I agree with our over-all school improvement plan.
9 Reading EOG Scores
10 Math EOG Scores
11 Writing Scores
Section II Formulation of Beliefs and Development of the School Mission Statements
13 Mission Statement “Preparing today’s student for tomorrow’s future”
14 Beliefs The family, community, and school must all work together for a student’s success Education is the key to the future. Learning is a life-long process. Every child has the ability to learn and the right to an education. Higher expectations for students and staff. Children learn in different ways, and should be given opportunities that encourage growth. For each student, the school environment should promote safety, self-confidence, respect for self and others, and a desire to succeed.
Section III Identification of Desired Results for Student Learning
16 Desired Results of Student Learning Students will demonstrate: Knowledge of their curriculum Respect for themselves and others The ability to use technology Problem solving skills An appreciation of the arts A desire and appreciation for learning
Section IV Analysis of Instructional and Organizational Effectiveness
18 Summary of Instructional & Organizational Effectiveness Content Support Assessment Strategies Leadership Climate
19 Summary of Strengths 1.Written curriculum guides/frameworks provide a sequence of instruction. 2.Students are engaged in active learning. 3.There is ongoing dialogue regarding instructional assessment information among classrooms, grade levels, and the school, where appropriate. 4.The principal and staff model high expectations. 5.A safe and orderly environment exists within the school. 6.Student learning projects are displayed throughout the building. 7.Instructional activities are consistent with reflect the mission of the school.
20 Areas of Improvement 1.Improve test scores. 2.Support staff within the school is not adequate to meet student needs 3.Additional classrooms are needed.
21 Instructional Needs 1.Continue to improve reading, writing, and math test scores. 2.Continue to provide additional opportunities for parents to become involved in student activities. 3.Continue to provide remediation to the students.
22 Facility Needs 1.Cooling system is not consistent throughout the school. 2.Additional classrooms are needed. 3.Additional parking lot is needed.
Section V Development of School Improvement Plan
Section VI Implementing the Plan and Documenting the Result