TNE Program Assessment Creating the Culture and Practice of Performance Assessment
Group Members Bruce Horner – English Hope Longwell-Grice – Curriculum & Instruction Robin Mello – Theater Education Connie Schroeder – Center for Instructional and Professional Development Amy Otis-Wilborn – Exceptional Education
TNE Identified Goals Strengthen and expand the “culture of assessment” at UWM Expand the use of performance assessments in Arts & Science courses/programs Develop portfolio evidence that demonstrates deep understanding of content, skills/processes for content learning, and pedagogical content knowledge Create systematic communication between general disciplinary and professional education programs/faculty regarding student learning and development
Content Knowledge and Use Deep Understanding of Content: The ability to communicate, demonstrate, manipulate, and evaluate content that is central to a discipline including information, theories, practices, values, and beliefs. Content Learning: The skills/processes that experts use to recognize what they don’t know, need to know and what and strategies to gain deep understanding of content. Pedagogical Content Knowledge: The instructional approaches and strategies teachers use to support students’ deep understanding and learning of content.
Performance Assessment Performance assessment is a measure of assessment based on authentic tasks such as activities, exercises, or problems that require students to show what they can do (McBride, 1997). A task is authentic to the extent that it is based on challenging and engaging tasks that resemble the context in which adults do their work (Meyer, 1992). Students show that they have mastered specific skills and competencies by performing or producing something (Meyer, 1992).
Examples Designing and carrying out experiments; Writing essays which require students to rethink, to integrate, or to apply information; Working with other students to accomplish tasks; Demonstrating proficiency in using a piece of equipment or a technique; Building models; Developing, interpreting, and using maps; Making collections; Giving speeches or performances; Developing portfolios.
Assessment Team Activities Conduct a faculty survey to identify current perspectives and practices in assessing students Host forums for learning about and sharing current practices in performance assessment Support the development of new performance assessments Disseminate information and models of performance assessment at UWM and other TNE institutions
Activities, continued Coordinate Assessment Retreats to evaluate portfolios in admission, professional growth and exit portfolios for evidence of developing deep understanding of content, content learning, and pedagogical content knowledge Monitor impact of performance assessment on culture of assessment and teacher development (UWM Teaching Standards 1, 4, & 8)
UWM Teaching Standards Standard #1. A Liberal Arts Foundation with Strong Disciplinary Knowledge (link with content learning) Standard #4. State of the Art, Culturally Responsive Pedagogy (link with teacher learning) Standard #8. Assessment to Ensure Student Success (link with student learning)
Timeline: Summer, 2005 ObjectiveActivities Communicate goals and work of Task Force Document & Review current perspectives on learning and practices in assessment Review team reports Conduct faculty survey How People Learn – CIPD Book Group Develop long-term program evaluation plan Plan fall Assessment Forum Begin work with induction cohort in C&I
Fall, 2005 ObjectiveActivities Develop performance assessments Focus on relevance to the urban context TNE Forum on Assessment Begin dissemination of performance assessment models – TNE website Support development of new assessments
Spring, 2006 ObjectiveActivities Evaluate evidence of understanding of content and content learning in teacher education candidates Evaluate connections with the urban context Assessment Forum: Continuation of fall work Admissions Portfolio: review relevant artifacts Assessment Retreat: Review portfolios and evaluation of artifacts
Overview Survey – Current perspectives and practice Assessment Forums Development of Performance Assessments Assessment Retreats Website Dissemination Monitoring Student Performance Monitoring culture of assessment at UWM