I and the Village, Marc Chagall. Mission Statement Students will explore the four Art disciplines: Production, Criticism, History and Aesthetics in an.


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Presentation transcript:

I and the Village, Marc Chagall

Mission Statement Students will explore the four Art disciplines: Production, Criticism, History and Aesthetics in an environment which encourages creativity, quality, effort and skill development.

Code of Conduct Students will demonstrate a high level of personal responsibility and respect for others. Positive interactions and a strong work ethic will result in a successful Art experience. Attendance, preparedness and punctuality are valued. Fearlessness is a class norm. ASTBYB ASTBYB (ALWAYS STRIVE TO BE YOUR BEST)

Assessment Daily Process Grade: Measures level of student engagement, effort, and productivity. Daily Sketchbook/Written Reflection Grade: Measures creative thinking, management of time and resources, visual problem solving and metacognitive growth. Progress Scores: All students self-monitor achievement of progressive goals within a project Tests, Quizzes, and Portfolio: Formative and summative measurement (formal and anecdotal) of the student’s understanding of Art History, Production, Criticism and Aesthetic Response. Project Scores: Evaluation of the quality, originality, effort and processes (skills and procedures) demonstrated at the conclusion of the project. A variety of assessment tools will measure student success.

Growth is measured over time, reflecting a student’s most recent and durable level of proficiency. Grades are reported using a 4 point scale. 1 (Novice), 2 (Apprentice), 3 (Journeyman), 4 (Master Craftsman) Late work and Do-overs will be accepted within a grading period. Techniques and Processes: Students understand, select and implement appropriate artistic techniques and processes to achieve a desired outcome. Elements and Principles of Art: Students understand and apply the elements and principles of art in the creation of art works. Reflection and Critique: Students reflect, describe, analyze and interpret their own and other's work using the vocabulary of art and artists. Making Connections: Students make connections between art and history, culture, personal experience, and other disciplines and career fields. Approach to Work: Students approach a range of art explorations through problem solving, creative thinking, and responsible work habits. Students and parents receive periodic feedback on progress and semester grades. Art students will demonstrate proficiency in these key skills and understandings: Standards Based Grading 4

Supplies and Fees All Art students will come to class daily with a #2 pencil, eraser, and sketchbook. Folders are acceptable for the sketchbook, and paper will be provided. Students may choose from a wide variety of manufactured sketchbooks available at discount, stationery or art supply stores. Art I: Supply Fee: $5.00 per semester Global Art and Project Discovery: Supply Fee: $5.00 (note: Due to the individual nature of student’s expressive choices, additional supplies may need to be purchased for this class. Parental notification and approval will be required in the planning of each project.) Advanced Art: Drawing Course Fee: $5.00; Stained Glass Course Fee: $25.00 Please contact me if your family needs assistance with art fees. Students will not be denied participation in classroom activities due to financial considerations. Alternate activities may be substituted.

Rewards and Celebrations Students cooperate, collaborate and celebrate through the BEAD JAR incentive program. All who embrace the joy of Art share the opportunity to earn pizza parties, “down time” and personal recognition. Opportunities to showcase our art work at Parent Conferences, competitions and public forums are eagerly embraced. Art Club offers the opportunity to extend the art experience beyond the classroom.

Stay in Touch Parents play a crucial role in student success and communication is an essential cornerstone of your efforts. Visit the school website and parent portal. Return the acknowledgement form and student fees promptly. Contact me often by , phone or notes.   ext 2325 Conference period:1st hour.  Attend Parent-Teacher Conference and activities in which your student’s accomplishments are celebrated. Talk to your child about Art and provide opportunities to view and create art. Celebrate their achievements by displaying the beautiful artworks your child has created in your home or office. Visit or volunteer in the Art Room.