Word Pieces for Week Two How to Talk about Doctors Prefix, Root, Suffix Meaning Internus Obstetrix Paidos Pedis Agogos Demos Derma Hypos Ophthalmos Oculus -ician Opsis, optikos metron Inside Midwife Child Foot Leading, leader People Skin Under Eye Expert Vision, sight measurement
Word Pieces for Week Two How to Talk about Doctors Prefix, Root, Suffix Meaning straight, correct Tooth Heart Science; study Nerve Pain Abnormal or diseased condition Inflammation Spirit, soul, mind Medical healing Old age child Orthos Odontos Kardia Logos Neuron Algos -osis -itis Psyche iatreia Geras Paidos (ped-)
Can you name the doctor for each field? Mental or emotional disturbances Nervous system Skin Diagnosis; internal organs Infants Female reproductive organs Eyes Heart Pregnancy, childbirth Skeletal system Psychiatrist Neurologist Dermatologist Internist Pediatrician Gynecologist Opthalmologist Cardiologist Obstetrician orthopedist
Bellringer - Tuesday YES NO Is an internist an expert in diagnosis? Is a gynecologist familiar with the female reproductive organs? Does an obstetrician specialize in diseases of childhood? Does a pediatrician deliver babies? If you had a skin disease, would you visit a dermatologist? If you had trouble with your vision would you visit an orthopedist? Is an ophthalmologist an eye specialist? Does a cardiologist treat bone fractures? Is a neurologist a nerve specialist? If you were nervous, tense, overly anxious, constantly fearful for no apparent reasons, would a psychiatrist be the specialist to see? YES NO
GP: Write the name of the specialist you might visit or be referred to: For a suspected brain disorder For a thorough internal checkup If you have a skin disease If you have a heart problem If you are tense, fearful, insecure If you are pregnant For some disorder of the female reproductive organs For a checkup for your two-month-old child For faulty vision For curvature of the spine Neurologist Internist Dermatologist Cardiologist Psychiatrist Obstetrician Gynecologist Pediatrician Ophthalmologist Orthopedist
Tuesday – Guided Practice Gynecology Obstetrics Pediatrics Pedagogy Demagoguery Dermatology taxidermy Principles of teaching Stuffing of skins of animals Specialty dealing with the delivery of newborn infants Stirring up discontent among the masses Treatment of skin diseases Specialty dealing with women’s diseases Specialty dealing with the treatment of children
Tuesday – Guided Practice Hypodermic Epidermis Pachyderm Dermatitis Ophtalmologist Optometrist Optician Elephant Eye doctor Under the skin One who measures vision Lens grinder Outer layer of skin Inflammation of the skin
Bellringer - Wednesday Does a treatise on obstetrics deal with childbirth? Does gynecology deal with the female reproductive organs? Is pediatrics concerned with the diseases of old age? Does pedagogy refer to teaching? Is a pedagogue an expert teacher? Is a demagogue interested in the welfare of the people? Is a lion a pachyderm? Is the epidermis one of the layers of the skin? Is dermatitis an inflammation of one of the limbs? Is a taxidermist a medical practitioner? Is an opthalmologist a medical doctor? Is an optometrist a medical doctor? Does an optician prescribe glasses? YES NO
Wednesday – Guided Practice Specialty of child delivery Outer layer of skin Principles of teaching Thick-skinned animal Skin inflammation One who foments political discontent One who sells optical equipment Medical graduate serving his apprenticeship Treatment of childhood diseases Practice of stirring up political dissatisfaction for purely personal gain Obstetrics Epidermis Pedagogy Pachyderm Dermatitis Demagogue Optician Intern or interne Pediatrics demagoguery
Wednesday - GP One who stuffs the skins of animals Enother title for opthalmologist Treatment of female ailments Medical specialty relating to diseases of the eye One-lens eyeglass Pertaining to the eye One who measures vision Taxidermist Oculist Gynecology Opthalmology Monocle Ocular optometrist
Wednesday - GP Orthopedics Orthodontia Neuralgia Neuritis Geriatrics Nerve pain Specialty dealing with medical problems of the elderly Straightening of teeth Inflammation of the nerves Treatment of skeletal deformities
Wednesday - GP Cardiogram Cardiograph Neurosis Psychosis psychiatry Record of heart beats Mental unbalance Emotional disturbance Treatment of personality disorders Instrument for recording heartbeats
Bellringer - Thursday A gynecologist’s patients are mostly men. Ophthalmology is the study of eye diseases. Orthopedics is the specialty dealing with the bones and joints. A cardiac patient has a heart ailment. A person with a bad “bite” may profit from orthodontia. Neuralgia is a disease of the bones. A neurosis is the same as a psychosis. Neuritis is inflammation of the nerves. Psychiatry is a medical specialty that deals with mental, emotional, and personality disturbances. A cardiograph is a device for recording heartbeats. Psychiatric treatment is designed to relieve tensions, fears, and insecurities. A doctor who specializes in pediatrics has very old patients. A geriatrician has very young patients. FALSE TRUE
Thursday – Quiz Review Specialist who straightens teeth Nerve pain Medical specialty dealing with bones and joints Medical specialty dealing with emotional disturbances and mental illness Inflammation of the nerves Emotional or personality disorder Mentally unbalanced Pertaining to the heart Specialty dealing with medical problems of the elderly Instrument that records heart action Record produced by such an instrument Orthodontist Neuralgia orthopedics Psychiatry Neuritis Neurosis Psychotic Cardiac Geriatrics Cardiograph cardiogram