ABC RADIO AUSTRALIA ABC: Public Service Broadcaster ABC: Public Service Broadcaster –Editorial independence, analysis –Service to all: general and niche audiences –Creativity, innovation, identity, culture Radio Australia: Building Connections Radio Australia: Building Connections –Asia Pacific focus: languages, cultures –180 Partners: content, links, training –Relevance, credibility, connections –Open Media culture: debate, audience participation
ABC – AUSAID: BUILDING ON EXISTING LINKS Whole of Society communication: media, government, civil society, broad public Whole of Society communication: media, government, civil society, broad public Debate, informal learning, life-long education Debate, informal learning, life-long education National broadcasters under siege: reclaiming legitimacy: resources, content National broadcasters under siege: reclaiming legitimacy: resources, content Existing mandates, infrastructure and capacity: refocus broadcasters and improve service delivery Existing mandates, infrastructure and capacity: refocus broadcasters and improve service delivery
Pacific Media Analysis I PSBs have sold their soul PSBs have sold their soul Stuck in old styles and formats Stuck in old styles and formats Selling airtime: a business to survive Selling airtime: a business to survive Antiquated equipment and technology Antiquated equipment and technology Dependent on the availability of donor funding Dependent on the availability of donor funding
Pacific Media Analysis II National broadcasters not serving the nation National broadcasters not serving the nation Too centralised, not focussed on the periphery – regional, rural areas Too centralised, not focussed on the periphery – regional, rural areas Not reflecting the issues of communities Not reflecting the issues of communities Do not meet the needs of culturally diverse communities Do not meet the needs of culturally diverse communities
MEDIA FOR DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVE – PAPUA NEW GUINEA Build upon local media capacity Build upon local media capacity The challenges of Access, Voice and Content The challenges of Access, Voice and Content NBC: able to play a major contribution NBC: able to play a major contribution ABC partnership: progressive engagement ABC partnership: progressive engagement Working relationship – high level of trust Working relationship – high level of trust
NBC – ABC….one year on Audience/Output focus: new content for listeners (voice & content) Audience/Output focus: new content for listeners (voice & content) Underlying institution-building work Underlying institution-building work But…uncertain political climate, internal feuds, production delays… But…uncertain political climate, internal feuds, production delays… Links to be rebuilt – new environment Links to be rebuilt – new environment The challenge to maintain momentum The challenge to maintain momentum
Cambodia Talk Back Program Foster a culture of public debate and dialogue Foster a culture of public debate and dialogue Long standing personal and institutional links Long standing personal and institutional links Local professional and cultural expert Local professional and cultural expert Striving for sustainability, capacity building Striving for sustainability, capacity building Linkages: whole-of-country approach Linkages: whole-of-country approach
The right mix……? Credentials, commitment, trust, rapport Credentials, commitment, trust, rapport Empathy, sensitivity, cultural expertise Empathy, sensitivity, cultural expertise Early involvement – clear vision Early involvement – clear vision Whole-of-society: broad stakeholder base Whole-of-society: broad stakeholder base Early wins..confidence building Early wins..confidence building Consultation, communication Consultation, communication Aim for long-term sustainability (and commitment?) Aim for long-term sustainability (and commitment?)
Donts Underestimate local capacity Underestimate local capacity Patronise Patronise Rush in Rush in Make assumptions Make assumptions Operate in isolation Operate in isolation Be unrealistic about outcomes Be unrealistic about outcomes Be inflexible during implementation Be inflexible during implementation
DOS Cooperation at every step Cooperation at every step Understand context and work WITH Understand context and work WITH Solid project design Solid project design Be realistic…tangible outcomes Be realistic…tangible outcomes Understand skill levels Understand skill levels Support but encourage ownership Support but encourage ownership Positive relationships with stakeholders Positive relationships with stakeholders Foster collaboration and wide support base Foster collaboration and wide support base
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