Learning Targets 1. Describe the economic and human effects of the Great Depression. 2. Determine how the Great Depression affected the lives of Americans by analyzing a primary source. 3. Select a quote which best highlights the impact of the Great Depression on Americans. 4. Create an illustration, using historical facts, which matches the chosen quote.
7. Stock Market Crash: Oct. 29, 1929 Panicked selling caused prices to lower “Black Tuesday:” 16 million shares sold, $15 billion dollar loss
Bloom’s Taxonomy (answer as many as possible) 1. Knowledge: List the reasons people bought goods on credit during the 1920s. 2. Comprehension: Explain why European countries refused to buy American products in the 1920s. 3. Application: Illustrate the the ineffectiveness of President Coolidge in a political cartoon. 4. Analysis: Analyze how the differences in income in the 1920s led to difficulties in the economy. 5. Synthesis: Hypothesize how our world might be different if farmers had cut back on production in the 1920s. 6. Evaluation: Evaluate which side had the most responsibility for the stock market crash--the investors or the stockbrokers.
A. Economic Effects: 1. Lost confidence in market and economy 2. Businesses reduced production or closed : 100,000 businesses failed
3. Unemployment 1930: 9% 1931: 16% 1932: 24% 1933: ¼ of labor force is unemployed
Unemployed gather in Chicago Unemployed line up outside of the TN state employment office Ford Motor Company 1928: 128,000 workers 1931: 37,000 workers
Breadline for the unemployed in Chicago
4. Banks closed Americans waiting to take savings out of bank after the Stock Market Crash. 6,000 banks closed 9 million savings accounts lost
5. Reduced purchasing power 6. Created a continuing cycle of depression Businesses closed/reduced production People laid off or fired People couldn’t buy goods or food No demand for goods Less productivity People lost savings Banks closed
B. Human Effects: 1. Eviction Homeless, evicted woman on streets of Chicago after losing her house
2. Farms and houses foreclosed Auctions were common as more Farmers lost their farms : 400,000 foreclosed
3. “Hoovervilles” – camps for homeless “Hooverville” on the outskirts of Washington, D.C.
4. Migratory workers – people move for work and move around nation, like Hobos “Oakies” and others pack up belongings to move for work.
Dorothea Lange’s famous pictures of migratory workers in the Salinas Valley in CA
5. Bonus March of 1932 Former WWI vets (20,000 strong) March to Washington To get bonus early
Bonus Marchers, WWI vets, fight army sent in to remove them.
Bonus Marchers Leave Washington, D.C.
Life in the Great Depression Illustrated Quote 1.Choose a primary source reading. “Going on Relief in Baltimore” (describes what it was like to get charity) “Pipe City” (describes the life of the forgotten- hobos, a teenager) “No Help Wanted” (searching for work) 2. Pick a quote which describes what life was like during the the Great Depression from the primary source. 3. Complete the “tag.” Include: Who said it What it tells the reader about life in the Great Depression Date (put down year, specific date or time frame 4. Write the quote on the form using correct punctuation. 5. Illustrate the quote, using details form the reading.
Illustrated Quote NOTE: Use details From the Reading to Illustrate it. Illustrations Should be realistic.
Life in the Great Depression Illustrated Quote