Category: - Consultancy Service Contracts (Other than PMC) Kuwait Oil Company (K.S.C.) HSE Group Health Safety and Environment Induction Program- Session for Bidders/New Contractors Category: - Consultancy Service Contracts (Other than PMC) Safety ever....accident never
Reference; Contract Clause # 18: Fire & Safety Regulations Concise HSE Requirement in Contract Clauses Corresponding Documents * for Specific HSE Requirements Sub-clause 18.1 - The Consultant shall be responsible for ensuring that the Services are carried out in accordance with the rules of safety, security and fire provided by the law and in accordance with safe working practices. In particular the Consultant shall strictly comply with the Company’s Fire and Safety Regulations referred to in clause 13.9, so far as the Services or any part thereof are carried out in Company premises. The Consultant shall be responsible for the consequences of violating such rules and regulations or any instructions in respect thereto. HSEMS Procedures HSEMS Guidelines for Contractors Fire & Safety Regulations KOC.SA.016: Driving Procedures KOC Standards, RPs, and 015 Series Engineering Specifications Sub-clause 18.2 - The Consultant shall not use portable electronic devices in the Company operational areas unless such devices are certified by the manufacturer to be intrinsically safe. Such devices include mobile phones, laptops, palmtops, organizers, pocket PCs, cameras, radios, audio and video equipment, and the like. KOC.SA.013: Temporary Mobile Equipment KOC.SA.004: PTW System KOC.G. 002: Hazardous area Classification Standard COP.E.002,Part -2: Electrical equipment in hazardous area * These reference documents are hyperlinked, shall be refereed by clicking on each document to note the key deliverables Safety ever....accident never
Reference; Contract Clause # 18: Fire & Safety Regulations Concise HSE Requirement in Contract Clauses Corresponding Documents * for Specific HSE Requirements Sub-clause 18.3 - The Consultant shall not use in Company operational areas, mobile phones, watches and all other equipment and tools that have photographic capabilities KOC.SA.013: Temporary Mobile Equipment KOC.SA.004: PTW System KOC.G. 002: Hazardous area Classification Standard COP.E.002,Part -2: Electrical equipment in hazardous area Besides, the above ‘Corresponding Documents for Specific HSE Requirements’ the bidders/new Consultants, Contractors shall, require referring contents of the following documents and shall, render as HSE contractual obligations as integral part of the above Contract clauses: Reporting of Contractor’s monthly HSE performance as per ‘KOC Guide on Contractors Awareness on Company’s “General Emergency Procedure” Near Miss Reporting procedure: KOC.GE.047 * * These reference documents are hyperlinked, shall be refereed by clicking on each document to note the key deliverables Safety ever....accident never
Reference; Contract Clause # 18: Fire & Safety Regulations HSE Procedure for Risk Assessment (KOC.SA.018) Guideline for HSE Procedure for Risk Assessment (KOC.SA.019) Protective Clothing and Equipment (KOC.SA.010) Incident Reporting Procedure (KOC.GE.007) Incident Investigation and Corrective Action Procedure (KOC.GE.008) Driving Procedure (KOC.SA.016) Job Safety Analysis (KOC.SA.024) Hydrogen Sulphide (KOC.HE.001 KOC Non-smoking policy * These reference documents are hyperlinked, shall be refereed by clicking on each document to note the key deliverables Safety ever....accident never
Reference; Contract Clause # 18: Fire & Safety Regulations All categories of site personnel shall adequately be trained, qualified and competent in the relevant Occupational health, safety and work environment issues and as related to the their nature of works with reference to “KOC HSE Risk Based Evaluated Training Matrix” * such as but not limited to: - Issuing excavation notification - Applying, receiving and closing out of for PTW system - Gas Monitoring - Radiography - Electrification, Wiring and Cable jointing - Driving, Crane Operating, and Equipment Operation - Scaffolding and erection of scaffolding - Lifting-Shifting and material handling - Grinding, cutting and welding - First Aid * These reference documents are hyperlinked, shall be refereed by clicking on each document to note the key deliverables Safety ever....accident never